It Is Okay To Fail When Writing

It Is Okay To Fail When Writing

Summary of Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development

In the article Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, it talks about how making mistakes is okay when writing. It only helps to improve your writing in the long run. You can learn from your mistakes and make your writing better. It also talks about how over time, people are expected to be better writers and continue to evolve from year to year, but they need to learn how to fail and learn from it. Students do not take risks on their writing when it might impact their grades negatively. Not even talking about writing, failure is important outside of writing and in turn improving your writing and yourself.

Response to Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development

Failure is okay when you trying to develop your writing skills. It teaches you what makes a good essay and what makes a bad essay. Being able to learn from your previous rough drafts and correct your mistakes only helps if you are willing to make changes to your writing. In years past, when I was writing in high school I did not take risks when I was writing my essays. I did not want to risk receiving a bad grade that would affect my grade point average. After going through more classes and learning how to improve my writing skills, I began to trust the process of rough drafts. Being able to learn from your mistakes can help you with your writing skills and can also help you with your personal life. Brooke and Carr state that “the capacity for failure… is one of the most valuable abilities” (Brooke and Carr 63). The ability to withstand the pressure of failure and the expectation of success can really ruin someone if they cannot find a way to overcome the struggle. Your writing skills can develop well when using your failures as fuel to improve your work inside and outside of the classroom. So what if you fail an essay or assignment, what you do after to learn from your mistakes is what is most important. The ability to learn from failures is important in the development of your writing skills and daily life skills.

This visual element represents writers that have been knocked down by their first drafts. It is what they do after the drafts that matters. As long as you get up from falling down, is the start of something special. Being able to learn from your mistakes and continue to develop your writing anything is possible for your writing skills.

Image from: MLG International

This image backs up the idea that failure is okay when developing your writing skills. Failure is a part of success not the opposite. Being able to acknowledge that failure can help to improve your skills will make you that much more successful when writing and in your daily life.


Works Cited

Brooke, Collin, and Allison Carr. “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development”       Naming What We Know, pp. 62-64.