Improving Your Text As A Writer & Reader

In the reading “Text Is an Object Outside of Oneself that Can Be Improved and Developed”, Charles Bazerman and Howard Tinberg spread the message about externalization and development in writing. Externalization gives the writer a different perspective which is very helpful in the development of ones writing. Having a different perspective included gives us different ideas, outlooks, and opinions on the topic at hand.  Without that, we miss on new ideas that can make our text better altogether. Further development of text helps in the aspect of making the writing clear and more understandable, therefore being beneficial to the reader helping them understand the text better.


Two ways I believe writers can look at and review their writing once they have a draft are:

  • Having a peer overlook their work


  • Question if the reader will be able to connect with the writing

Two ways I believe that readers should look at a draft for someone else are:

  • To remember to read with an open mind


  • Try to improve their writing in any way you can

I chose these four “improvement tactics” on the basis of having “limited options” as he expressed in the text, and in my way of thinking these are the main and most important points you should absolutely address when reviewing a draft as a writer and/or reader. In this reading, my main takeaway is the overall message of externalization. Externalization is the way we change our thoughts into a certain kind of physical form, this is done formally by writing or orally by talking. We react better to differences in relation to our environment than our own inner considerations/thoughts. With the introduction of externalization, we can improve our efficiency by changing over our inside considerations into an outside form. Although prior to this reading I’ve never heard of externalization, once I understood its meaning it, instantly formed a connection into my personal life in a way. During high school, I was involved in wrestling all four years. At no point in my high school career could I have endured the practices alone. With the encouragement of my coaches and my teammates working as hard or harder than me it drove me to fight off the voice in my head saying “This is hard”. Since there’s a person in my environment who’s encouraging me to push myself just a little bit more I practiced undoubtedly better than I would have if that was not a factor. Tying this back into writing, as I have expressed in my summary, externalization gives us different ideas, outlooks, and opinions on the topic that we wouldn’t have before. Ultimately, improving our writing.