Importance of Revising

Writers don’t write perfect first drafts when composing a paper. It may not be perfect the second time they revise it either, but this constant revision makes the paper an amazing one. Having other people that know good writing look at the paper is a great tool to use because I often find myself overlooking the same problem with my paper. Having an extra set of eyes looking at the paper with new ideas helps me revise. The best writers in the world write shitty first drafts like Charles Dickens and Jane Austen, what makes them the best? Their ability to revise two or maybe three times to make it amazing.

Writers who dont revise are more likely are likely to see fewer positive results from their writing than those who build time for feedback and revision into their writing workflows

Revision is a key tool to use when learning how to write, so one can see the improvements that are made, to write better first drafts as a result. If the writer doesn’t revise then the writer wont get better and will repeat the same mistakes they have done before. People need to use revision to learn how to write a paper, to make their writing better for the future. Teachers should tell their students how to revise at a young age so the students can better learn how to write. I think revision should start at a young age with the teacher showing the student how to make the paper better.

Yet it is possible to make a flawless first draft, like winning the lottery, it is very rare and often seems impossible. The best writers ever always have to go back through the paper and make sure the audience can understand what their trying to convey. I could see poetry being one of the forms of writing that needs the least amount of revision because they’re often smaller bits of knowledge that the reader has to connect. Poetry is often more personal. A small poem needs to be revised, at least looked over to make sure the audience can understand. Revision in    writing is important and should never be overlooked, making sure a wide audience can understand the paper clearly.