From Failure to Fortune

In Collin Brooke and Allison Carr’s essay, “Failure Can be an Important Part of Writing Development”, they explain the process of failing through writing. When one is writing, they may expect that their writing has to be perfect, but what one might not understand is that writing is complex. Writing is something that can always improve with time. All writings are different. Without failure, you are unable to grow and challenge your mind to make any writing better. When one has to put their name on their own piece, they want it to be the best of the best. In order to do so, one has to learn and grow. Writers are constantly growing as there are no two same writings. All writings are different, that way there is no such thing as a perfect writing. Many seem to compare their writing to great authors, but no writing is the same. Instead of comparing, create something new. Look at great authors as an influence, make mistakes, and then create writing. A great way of growing as a writer is to make mistakes and learn from them. Writing is a process that can always make improvement.

It takes time to get comfortable with failure. Many seem to look as failure as a bad thing, however, in this piece, they explain the wonders of failure and how it important it is to become a better writer. Failure is something that can be used as motivation. Failure is the first step when writing. Without failure, we are unable to grow as writers and create content that one can be proud of. Failure is all just a part of a process that helps us step out of our comfort zone. When writing, many may search for comfort as they are familiar with being safe, but once stepped outside of the comfort, we can make mistakes and learn to become better writers. Ones writing is able to progress more without the comfort of being alright. Discomfort pushes us to be our best from educating ourselves from our failures. Through failure, we are able to grow as writers and learn from our mistakes. Mistakes are a stepping stone in the right direction as writing is constantly changing. With failure, we can allow our writing to develop long term in the right direction. Failure allows us to learn and grow as writers, as we should see it as a learning curve instead of not being correct.