Failure Leads to Success

Collin Brooke and Allison Carr the writers of “Failure can be an important of important part of writing development” are saying that your first draft is not going to be the perfect and final paper you turn you in. Even the best writers do not write perfect first drafts and that failure in writing is just as important as writing the draft itself. Everyone is afraid to fail in writing because it could damage their grade or make the person feel bad about their writing and want to give up. One of the most important things people need to learn from failure is what to do after, you can either give up or try to figure out why this did not work or why it didn’t pass. Writing is something you will have to do for the rest of your life so running away from it presay is not going to work it will just dig you a deeper and deeper hole because you will get that much further behind. Fear is the main reason people are afraid to fail, and people in today’s culture assume if you do not succeed on the first try then you are a failure and that it is all over, but in reality the process is just beginning.

Failure is a normal part in writing especially in the early stages of writing just like in life when you are just starting up a business or a project there will be set backs and that’s okay because you will learn from that set back and see what you can do different to make it work. Just like in life when you are working on that project or business those set backs are going to help you figure out why this did not work and work through that to make the work even better. This is why we have rough drafts because this is the point where we are just gathering ideas and putting them together and you are more and likely to have many setbacks on your rough draft then your polished and finished product. So failure in a rough draft really is not a failure at all because it allows you to make mistakes and then fix them and go from there and eventually after a couple of revisions you will have a near perfect piece. Failing is never a bad thing in and of itself, it is what you do after that set back or failure that determines if it is truly a failure.