Failure is Success in Progress

Failure is Success in Progress

Failure is the key to success; Each mistake teaches us something.

In the reading, “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr explains that successful writing isn’t just handed to you. There are many rough and terrible drafts before the actual final revision. In writing, there are a lot of failures, but you have to have failures in order to succeed. Once someone’s failure happens, they will remember it for the next time which will be building their intellectual growth and their writing abilities. Brooke and Carr explain how many students in today’s age focus on not damaging their grades, they want to take the safe route that will give them the best grade. This creates a fear that works against the learning process. Instead, they should be focused on getting out of their comfort zones and start challenging their writing skills. Once they do this, they will fail, but then they will learn from their failures and they will be closer to being a successful writer. The most important fact that we can take from this reading is that failure is an opportunity for growth. Failure is the key to success; Each mistake teaches us something.

Everyone today tries to avoid the letter “F” because this represents failure. We see failure as detrimental to someone’s success. In school, we are always trying to get straight A’s to impress our friends and family. In the workplace, we avoid failure to look good in front of employees and bosses.

Instead of seeing failure as a natural part of life, we see it as very negative.

What we have learned, is that failure can be painful, but it can actually allow people to unlock great potential. In order to do this, people will have to change the way they think, their mindset. We have to see failure as a tool for success, that will refine our path and allow us to learn what works and what does not.

We need to see failure as a normal part of the innovation of our lives, not something detrimental to us.

People view failure as a reason to give up. But we all need to change our point of view. We need to view failure as a step closer to success. When we keep pushing towards our dreams, we will get pushed down and we will fail many times before we actually reach our goal. When this happens, instead of giving up we need to learn from our failures. Once we do this, it will make us closer to our success.


Pages (62-64)