Ethical Choices Choose the Direction

In the article “Writing involves making ethical choices”, author John  Duffy makes the point that there are many moral decisions that go into writing. The guide for ones thoughts and structure of writing follow a moral compass. As people, we make the decision on how we view topics and how we address things when they are at hand. In a written piece, it is the author’s job to make an educated thesis based on their ethical and moral standpoint; there is no argument or piece of writing without a decision of ethics having to be made. To follow one specific road map throughout the writing process creates a sense of calm for the audience. Being the audience, it is highly discomforting if the title of a piece is vague and it seems like there is no real direction, just a mixture of ideas.

Making that ethical choice will pick the audience for the writer and some moral choices may appeal to one group of people better than others. Based on said ethical choices and appeal to certain audiences, there is varying expectations from different groups of people. An audience is relying on the author being honest in their work at the bare minimum. As said by Duffy, “Writing involves ethical choices because every time we write for another person, we propose a relationship with other human beings, our readers.” Reading a piece and finding out there may have been correct facts but there were some dis-honest parts brings the level of respect very low. Building a relationship with the audience helps the readers to keep more engaged in the article and they can better relate to what they are reading. If there is nothing but honesty and respect for the readers from the authors end, then a relationship is being grown and nurtured. Being credible instead of just assuming things and not doing a viable amount of research is essential. What is the honest truth to one may not be the honest truth to another.

Finding sources that are known and proven to have the most unbiased facts is the path to follow because losing credibility is not a price worth paying. Caring for the authors own work is important, but every writer is the audience at some point. When being the reader, it is important to keep an open-mind and be fair with what is thought about the writing. No one is perfect and we all don’t comprehend things the same and agree on ethical views. Building a relationship plays a role, and as the reader, a writer must take the bait. Latch on and start to grow the relationship and trust for the author. If it is a situation where the reader does not agree with what is being said, there is a level of respect that should be maintained. Inevitably, there will be times that being the audience is not easy and strong opinions can be formed. Being an author, it has to be remembered that not every writer wants the same audience. No choice is made by accident. The perfect writer is simply a figment of ones imagination; no writer does anything perfect for everyone, so ethical choices are important. Every piece has a great curb appeal to someone and authors make the decisions that design that appeal.

Dive a little deeper into the idea behind day to day ethical decisions: