Developed and Improved Text

How Can a Writer Improve and Develop Their Writing?

In the text, “Text Is an Object Outside of Oneself that Can Be Improved and Developed,” by Charles Bazerman and Howard Tinberg, we get a better understanding of how a reader might view a writer’s work to understand a topic in a more professional way. The text also explains how a writer must focus on the main points of what they are trying to write about to ensure the reader understands the message being conveyed. The text states, “For writers, this externalization decreases the amount of material they must remember and attend to while composing (reducing cognitive load) and allows them to focus attention on limited issues.” This quote shows how the writer can shorten their thoughts into something more concise and professional, but still get the same ideas across while making it easier on the reader. Writers oftentimes write down their ideas but don’t tend to think about how the reader might interpret the text differently.

How Can Writers Review Their Drafts?

  • Writers should collaborate with others for review on their drafts to get an outside perspective. Having a reader’s point of view ensures that the ideas the writer is trying to get across make sense and are effective.
  • Discussing your ideas with multiple people is important as well when trying to create the right idea for what you are writing about. While you may think a certain way of discussing your idea is clear, someone else may have another idea that could make more sense or a better way to phrase your work.

How Can a Reader Help Review Drafts For Someone Else?

  •  A reader should look at a draft by trying to connect with the author’s ideas and help the author develop these ideas in a way that makes it more understandable for the reader. The reader should also try and come up with ideas to make the writing better. Being able to come up with ideas that may improve the writing can help with the final piece.


Takeaway From the Reading

The text, “Text Is an Object Outside of Oneself that Can Be Improved and Developed,” talks about how the reader and writer should collaborate to come up with a better understanding of the writing. The skills above are the most beneficial ways to develop writing and to ensure that both the writer and the reader are on the same page. If the reader doesn’t understand the message behind the writing, the point of the writing is changed and doesn’t stay the same. The reader can help the author maintain their ideas throughout the text while a writer can help the reader understand the ideas better. Both the writer and the reader help each other in different aspects of the text.

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