All writers have more to learn

In “All Writers Have More To Learn” by Shirley Rose and in “Learning To Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds Of Practice, Time, and Effort” by Kathleen Blake Yancey, they both talk about how important practice and learning is for being a successful writer. You can’t make perfect writing, there is only writing, and better writing, because writing is imperfect. By experiencing failure, one can learn from their mistakes so that they won’t make the same mistakes in the future. By learning new techniques, you can evolve your writing from using newly learnt techniques. By practicing new techniques, you can apply them into your writing and improve your writing as a whole. There’s always new things to learn from individual mistakes or from other people’s writings. Learning newer techniques and refining techniques should help you improve as a writer. 

Shirley Rose talks about how writing isn’t something you can master. A writer can always improve on their writing but there is no such thing as a perfect writer, there is only room for improvement for every writer. Different writing strategies and habits can be learned from writing and practicing multiple essays, but there isn’t guarantee that you can apply everything consistently. By building up the experience of using different writing techniques and strategies, one can write up better pieces of writings. Although some strategies may work in some writings, it won’t be able to work in every single kind of writing. A reason for this would be that writing related to one genre might not be able to be applied to a different genre. Kathleen Blake Yancey tells us about the different ways a writer can write more effectively through practices and time. You can practice for many long hours, weeks or even years but you’ll never be perfect. Yancey claims that there are four practices in writing: Fluidity, the refining of technique, writing in different spaces with different materials and technologies, and writing with other people. There is no end to writing, once you finish one writing, its time to move onto a new writing. 

Writing isn’t something that you can be the best at or be perfect at, I believe that writing is like a game with no ending. We can practice as much as we want while writing about different kinds of subjects, there will be no end to the game. It will be an endless cycle of winning and moving on, or losing and trying again. When I write something that I consider a failure, I would lose but if I write something that is a success, that is considered a win. You lose you learn, you win you earn.

You lose you learn, you win you earn