Blog Post 7

When writing, do you ever attempt to type things out how you’d say it in real life and it sounds weird? or unnatural in a way? Thats because it is! In “Writing is Not Nature;”, writer Dylan B. Dryer explains how writing isn’t just like a natural conversation 2 people have face to face; that writing is more of a social technology that we use to convey and communicate our thoughts.

I chose this gif because this is what it may seem like when you realize how writing isn’t natural. You may change your whole way of writing and that may have you stuck in the same place on your writing for a while.


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Writing is Not Natural

In “Writing is Not Natural”, Dylan B. Dryer talks about the timeline of humanity, written language has only existed for roughly 5000 years. Today, language is apart of every day life, and is very much over looked as a great technological advancement. The shortcoming of written language is the possible discrepancy between a writers thoughts and a readers interpretations. Nonetheless, the ability to express one’s thoughts through language is one of the greatest advancements in human history.

This GIF is a great example of misinterpretation, which is the downside of spoken/ written language. The term “speak English” means “put it in a way that I can understand what you’re saying”. To the speaker, what he was saying was very obvious, but clearly the listener (the mother) didn’t understand what was being said.


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Discussion Post #7

Writing is difficult! When it comes to writing, we can’t write as good as we speak. It not possible write that good. In the Article I found a few things. One being that writing was not invented to long ago. There are tons of things we could fix. Secondly, writing is interpreted differently by everyone. so, if they don’t get your paper, it’s just a different mind thinking a different way. Making writing hard to write. Lastly, the article points out that writing is a technology. Saying that we need to learn this technology. This takes tons of practice to even understand it. A good example would be a Rubik’s cube. There are hundreds of ways to solve it and it takes time to understand what side to move.

I used this gif because English is just confusing. The eyes making it look like he is just lost. After reading of that information, why is English so confusing?

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Writing Is Not Natural

In this piece written by Dylan B. Dryer, he talks about an essential difference. This difference is how speech is natural in the sense that we have been speaking to each other for years. Our speech is complex loops and cognition. It is difficult to see the difference in socialization and language. Adults and children routinely write and they do so by combining symbols. Symbols can do lots of things, but they cannot record speech or thought in original forms. Others have to reactivate symbols into meaning. Children gradually stop drawing letters and start writing them as symbols for certain sounds. An example that was used is LOVE, and how it is a conventional symbol for sounds. Neither writing nor written language can be said to be “natural”. It is useful to remember that writing is not natural because writers judge their writing processes too harshly. Speech gives modalities that are unavailable to writing. Once it is understood that writing is a technology, comparisons to speech become limited. Writers benefit from realizing that they cannot blame themselves for the limitations of the system.

I chose this gif because it represents how things can be unnatural. Obviously, this is not how people look and can be perceived different in writing, than it can be in speech.

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Blog post #7

In, “Writing Is Not Natural” by Dylan B. Dryer, he focuses on the main conception that writing is more of a technology than it is something that comes normal to people. Dryer goes into depth that since people judge their own writing so much and think about it in great depth, it isn’t something that is as easy or comes as smoothly as a conversation would. In writing, people aren’t able to express direct emotion or portray to readers exactly how they feel as they would be able to do in everyday speech.

I chose this GIF because it shows how complicated writing can be and just how much people overthink it to change the way they sound. People think this intensely about what they wrote so that it doesn’t give the impression that they are being as casual as they would be in a normal speech setting.

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Blog post #7

In the article “Writing is Not Natural,” Dylan B. Dryer discusses the common belief that writing and speech are comparable and claims that writing is a technology in contrast to natural speech. He emphasizes that speech is a more modern human invention than writing. Text does not employ gestures, expressions, or clarifications like speech does. A lot of people find it challenging to write because they are unable to explain their emotions in words, despite the parallels between the two.

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I chose this GIF because this is how I feel when I have to start an essay 15 minutes in. My thoughts are constantly racing about where to begin, which info I truly want to use, and how to organize it. It entirely backs the argument made in  “Writing is Not Natural” which says that writing is a skill that requires hard work and repetition rather than being something that comes naturally.

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Writing Is Not Natural

The essay titled “Writing Is Not Natural” shows that writing is not an innate ability but a skill that requires practice and effort. The author argues that this perspective challenges the notion that some people are “born writers.” Writing is a learned skill that improves with dedication and persistence. It shows the importance of recognizing that writing is a craft that demands continuous development and practice.

I chose this funny GIF showing him dealing with writer’s block. This shows the challenges writers often confront when trying to transform their ideas into written words. It aligns perfectly with “Writing is not Natural” argument that writing is not something that comes naturally but is a skill that necessitates hard work and practice.

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Blog Post #7

In the reading ¨Writing is not Natural¨ by Dylan B. Dryer, he discusses the misconception of equating writing with speech and emphasizes that writing is a technology, unlike natural speech.  He points out that writing uses symbols to represent sounds and thoughts, making it a recent human development compared to speech.  The reading highlights the technological aspect of writing and the challenge of denaturalizing it, showing that writing lacks the immediate feedback and richness of expression found in speech.  He shows that writers shouldn´t blame themselves for the limitations of written language, as these limitations stem from historical adaptations.  Instead, they should adapt to this inherited technology to convey their intentions effectively.

I chose this GIF because it shows a woman being frustrated.  This relates back to the reading because writing can be hard to understand when there are limitations that come with it compared to speech, which is easier to interpret and understand.

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Blog Post #7

In Dylan B. Dryer’s “Writing is not Natural” he explains that sometimes people see writing and speech as the same. However, this is not the case because speech comes naturally to us as humans but writing does not. Writing often falls short of speech because it is not learned as a child. We can try and replicate our speech in writing but it does not have the same effect. Writers tend to criticize themselves too harshly because they want it to sound like speech and be perfect.

National Novel Writing Month — The Stages of Writing: A Story in Gifs

I chose this GIF because I feel it encapsulates the main point of the article. Writing is hard because we are not used to it like we are used to speaking.

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Blog Post #7

In the essay “Writing Is Not Natural” by Dylan B. Dreyer, it is explain how writing is ‘unnatural’ compared to speech. When speaking to a person or an audience, we typically do so with emotion, gestures, expressions, etc. But, when writing you don’t get that same effect. From the standpoint of a reader, we can see someones expression, feel their emotion, or understand their body language. Additionally, it is pointed out that children growing up quickly catch on to their native language when they start to talk. This is very different for writing. When writing it takes years to perfect compared to learning to speak, which takes much less time. In fact, cultures didn’t start inscribing until around 3000 BCE, so writing is a newer technology. Finally, writing is said to be unnatural by Dreyer because writers seem to judge their writing process too harshly by comparing their writing to the ease in which they speak. 


I chose to GIF to represent how I feel after reading because I found this topic very interesting. I have never really thought about the fact the writing in unnatural. I think the author made good points, such as how it’s harder to express yourself in writing, we judge ourself too much while going through writing processes, etc. 

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