Blog post #8

In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, they mainly describe that failure is the most important step to success especially when it comes to writing. In writing, it is almost necessary to fail in order to create your best piece. This strategy is how many of the world’s best writers were able to become so great. Brooke and Carr talk about how failure in writing needs to be more normalized in school settings because it can open up a new quality of skills for students.

I chose this GIF to represent the reading because it’s all about wanting to fail to become good at something and taking away the bad aura that surrounds the idea of failure.  In this GIF the lady is very quick to say that it’s ok to fail and she doesn’t seem upset about the idea of failing either.

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Post #8

The article “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” by Collin Brooke and Alison Carr it is suggested how mistakes, setbacks and failure are essential for one’s skills in writing to develop. Failure should not be a negative experience but a beneficial one to becoming a better writer. Analyzing mistakes and errors can lead to writers taking risks when writing to help growth. Welcome the failure as part of your growth by using your mistakes and errors.

I chose this GIF because it shows how I feel when I fail a writing assignment nowadays because it has been happening for so many years now.

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Blog Post #6

In John Duffy’s article, “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” he talks about the importance of the reader and writer being ethical. Duffy explained how important it is for a writer to create a relationship with a reader. Though, Duffy says that some writers don’t always focus on being ethical while they write. When someones writing is unethical it brings the reader to the conclusion that the writer doesn’t care about their work.

Ethical expectations of writers:

  • Honesty
  • Morality
  • Values

Ethical expectations of readers:

  • Respectful
  • Noble
  • Open minded

When writing a paper we have to be careful with our ethical values. We have to consider who our audience is when writing our papers. Duffy stated, “Writing involves ethical choices because every time we write for another person, we propose a relationship with other human beings, our readers.” When we write our paper ethically we can create a relationship with the reader without speaking to them directly. As a writer we need to be honest and have values in our writing to create that relationship. But, the reader must also be open minded to create that relationship.

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Blog Post #5

In Chris Anson’s, “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment,” he discusses the cons of habitual practices. He stated that certain behaviors can lead to entrenchment. Though entrenchment can sometimes be a good thing, it can also limit aspects in peoples lives. it could potentially change the way people respond to new things or situations.

I have become entrenched with expanding my vocabulary while writing papers. This became entrenched when I started my senior year of high school. I used to hate writing papers, but I learned to enjoy it my senior year. In the past year, I have grown in my vocabulary. One advantage of this skill is my papers become more consistent. One disadvantage could be that I repeat the same words.

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Blog Post #4

In “Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences,” Andrea Lunsford talks about the relationship between writing and its audience. Andrea argues that understanding the potential of writing can change someones paper completely. teachers nowadays try to broaden the way they teach students how to write. They want them to explain what they’re effectively and make their paper easy to comprehend. Getting the audience to interact and talk about the writing is one of the biggest goals of writers. When the audience interacts with the reading it shows that they understand what is being talked about in the paper.

In the past papers that I have been assigned, the audience of my paper has never been said. For the longest time I was writing my papers to my teacher, as I presumed that he or she was my audience. Reading this article made me realize that I need to write my paper in a way that any audience can read it. I’ve learned an effective way to interact with the audience in a way that they comprehend what my paper is saying.

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Blog Post #8

In the article, ” Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, we learn that successful writers don’t sit down and write a perfect final piece. The amazing work and books we read are very often revised over and over again. When it comes to students in school learning how to write, they learn over and over again every year. By learning new things every year and learning from their past failures, this results in growth. It is also mentioned how writing assignments on tests or final product, students will stick to what they know and what they think the teacher wants because they are afraid of failure and risking their grade. Therefore, it is recommended that this was of teaching/testing shouldn’t be pushed for because it works against the learning process. Edward Burger, a college professor of mathematic says he incorporates “quality of failure” into this teachings. In return, Burger has seen that his students tend to take greater risks and analyze their mistakes. Finally, it is important to teach about failure in the classroom because it can change the way students see failure. By making it known failure is ok, it is able to be seen as growth. 


I chose to add this GIF to my post because I think it summarized up the article in one picture. The whole article is about not always being perfect or succeeding on your first try. 

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Blog Post #8

The article “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” by Collin Brooke and Alison Carr discusses how setbacks and mistakes are integral to the process of developing one’s writing skills. It emphasizes that failure should not be seen as a negative outcome but as a valuable learning experience in the journey of becoming a better writer. The article suggests that writers can grow and improve by acknowledging their errors, analyzing them, and using them as stepping stones to refine their writing abilities. It promotes the idea that embracing failure as a part of the writing process can ultimately lead to more significant progress and development as a writer.

I chose this GIF because it shows how even when you are trying you best you still might not succeed. In this case that is blowing out the birthday candles, but he keeps trying and that is all that matters!


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Blog Post #8

One of the major things i took away from this article was that failure is an opportunity for writer to grow. This can be beneficial for many reasons. Always being right about everything doesn’t help us grow. The writer also talks about how students only try ti please the teacher and get it on first try. This will not help writing in the ling run. Her main point is about the failure in writing and how it is good to not always be right. I have definitely felt this in writing. I feel as if i have to get it on the first try but it doesn’t hurt to have to go back and fix it up.

I chose this GIF because it shows how someone could act when frustrated about doing something wrong the first time.

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“Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” By- Collin Brooke and Allison Carr

In the Reading “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” By- Collin    Brooke and Allison Carr the writer explains that there has to be failure before there can be success.  No writers first draft is ever perfect, it is usually the worst. When you finish the first draft, you continue on revising and editing to make the final better than the draft. If you just turned in your first draft first, then you wouldn’t be able to learn from your first failure.

I chose this GIF to represent when you fail a test in school. In school some teachers if you failed a test would allow you to retake a test. So, in this case If I was the student I would learn from my first failure, study and practice and make sure that when I take my test again, I don’t Fail. In this case I learned like the authors explained from my failures.

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“Writing is Not Natural” Review

In Dylan Dryer’s article, “Writing is Not Natural” he talks about the difference between speech and writing. Speech comes naturally to both humans and animals. However, writing is a complex system of inscriptions and symbols used to translate speech into a thought. Dryer also says that writing is learned and culturally influenced, while speech is natural. The text also discusses the challenges of writing, such as pronunciation and spelling. However, understanding these limitations can help writers to be more forgiving of the complications that come with the idea of writing as a technology.

I chose this GIF because the kid is struggles to form a complete idea to write. Therefor, he is just writing to make it look like he is productive.

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