blog 8

in ‘Failures can be an important part of Writing Development,’ Collin Brooke and Allison Carr stress to writers how failure in writing isn’t really failure. Failure is a thing people tend to fear and are anxious about, but failure is inevitable. And failure can benefit people because it allows them to see what they did wrong, which is especially true for writers. Sure with failure it feels like you did bad in the moment, but with that failure you can choose what to fix and rework to guarantee success.

I chose this gif because failure in writing is like when you first learn how to ride a bike. You may fall and fail many times, but you should always get back up

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“Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development.”

In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development”, Collin Brooke and Allison Carr focus on the idea that the only way to become a perfect writer is by failing a few times. No one can get a perfect piece the first time they try to write it, even the best authors out there. There are some teachers who allow for failure, as long as there is a visible attempt at trying. They see that their students become too cautious when writing, and fail anyway because they didn’t meet the standard. Teachers want to see their students try, and improve as they go. It is not something that happens automatically. Students need to realize it is better to try hard, and see where they can improve, than attempt too little and fail anyway. It can be hard to find a happy medium, but for beginners it is important for them to see that failing isn’t the end of the world. Everybody will have a hard time writing, and it takes time, and countless efforts, to make a good piece of writing.

Mahershala Ali Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards

This GIF relates to the article because it talks about trying again if you don’t succeed the first time. Yes, it is hard to accept failure, but if you try again it will become better the second time and make for another attempt at perfection. This GIF is telling people to keep going, and try again after failure to succeed in the future. It shows that putting in effort will help you gain more than allowing your first attempt to be your only one, even if it was a bad first attempt.

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Blog Post #8

In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, they emphasize that failure is a part of learning. When we write anything the first draft should not be good. It is the failure that helps us learn and grow. Writing evolves over time and we need to take advantage of every opportunity to better ourselves and our skills. Sometimes we see writing as a task instead of an option to learn. As humans, we are often worried about things like our grades which causes us to try and make the first draft perfect. We need to take the risk of failure so we can succeed.

I-failed GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

I chose this gif because it shows that even though failure can be hard to overcome it is a part of the learning process. Without failure, no one could ever win.


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Blog Post #8

In the essay “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, the writers explain that making mistakes is part of the writing process. Writing bad first drafts that need a lot of revision and editing only makes you a better writer. They even use J.K. Rowling as an example of this, as she had once stated that before she wrote Harry Potter she had failed at writing.

I chose this GIF because the essay makes me realize that writing a crappy first draft can just be part of the process to get to a really good final draft.

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Blog Post #8

In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development,” the author describes those failures is needed to be a good writer. They give multiple examples of very good writers writing there first piece of writing and failing. The main point is writing to learn first then typing it again. You must put something down on the paper, before you fix it. This increase improvement and overall better writing skills.

I picked this Gif because I think of it as wise words. They clearly want us to make mistakes first to learn what we did wrong and how we can fix it. Having though inspiring words help write better papers and help in are daily life as well.

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Blog Post #8

This in-depth analysis of the writing process explaining about the mistakes being a large improver of getting able to get a more advanced developed writing.  The article gives details on how to advance the future of the writing process to improve each issue.  It talks about how the ability to have the capacity of failure can improve the writer’s abilities to improve everything. The article goes into many instances of learning that failure is just a point to have growth.  The growth is what makes the writer able to develop in any sort of writing they participate in.  The essay ends with giving reasoning of all of the abilities to improve the ability to advance the writing of those who use their failure to their advantage.

I chose this due to the in-depth thought to focus on trying to see what this will do to fix the advances of the works.  I also chose this due to having the ability to think about the needs in the failures I had to continue advancing this part of my work showing if I look deeper into the ideas of what is needed to fix my mistakes.

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Blog post #8

In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development,” the author looks at how important it is to identify and learn from failure during the writing process. The text argues that mistakes and obstacles can help a writer grow and improve. Drafts and revisions can help authors improve their skills, learn from their mistakes, and eventually develop into more successful writers.

Fail The Simpsons GIF

I chose this Gif because this is how I feel when writing and redrafting an essay, I sometimes have self doubt about my writing and a lot of times I’ll say to myself “at least I tried”.

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Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development

In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development,” the author discusses how failure is not a setback but an essential aspect of developing writing skills. The text emphasizes that mistakes and challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement in writing. By embracing failure, writers can refine their craft, learn from their errors, and ultimately become more proficient in the art of writing.

Plant Growth Animation GIF by The Explainer Studio

I chose this animation because it visually shows the idea that like a seedling growing into a strong plant, writers can also flourish by learning from their failures and setbacks. This GIF could symbolize how embracing failure and challenges can lead to significant progress in one’s writing skills.

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Blog post #8

In the reading, ¨Failure can be an Important Part of Writing Development¨ by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, they emphasize the importance of recognizing and learning from failure in the process of writing. It argues that successful writing often involves multiple drafts and revisions, and initial attempts are typically imperfect. Students need the chance to experiment, make mistakes, and grow intellectually. The writers encourage that a certain approach in the classroom helps students take risks and view failure as a part of the learning process. It shows that outside of the classroom, writers must accept failure as a stepping stone to success.  Ultimately, the ability to learn from failure is a crucial skill for writers.

This GIF says ¨it is fine to fail.¨ I chose this to correlate with the reading because it is trying to prove that failure can be good. The reading is trying to get readers to understand that failure is an option for growth and improving.

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Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development

The text written by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development, talks about how teaching writing should focus just as much on failure as it does on success. Successful writers do not get a perfect draft on the first try, it needs revisions and editing. As students progress and school, so does their writing. They must have the opportunity to try and fail to be able to learn from those failures. Students often avoid failure due to grades, but that damages the learning process. The most important thing for students to know is that failure is an opportunity for growth.Failure GIFs | Tenor

I chose this gif in response to this reading because without failing, you cannot succeed. Being able to fail and still having a good attitude about it is important for bettering yourself and your work.

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