Blog Post #4

Andrea A. Lunsford wrote the story “Writing addresses, invokes, and/or creates audiences”. The author focuses on the importance of a writer having an imaginary audience while writing their story and for the reader/audience to fictionalize themselves. In past writing experiences I haven’t been taught much about writing to an audience, but in high school we were taught to not direct our essays or writing to our audiences through words such as “you”. Since in high school we weren’t taught a whole lot about writing to your audience I would say that is the least useful part because it is a new learning focus for me now. And the most useful part about writing to the audience would be not using words such as “you” because you never want to be talking directly to a reader or audience. In past writings I never really thought I was writing to my teacher. In fact, I never really thought of writing to an audience.

 In the reading, I learned about the rhetorical triangle which is the connection of the writer, the audience, and the message. Another thing I learned from Lunsford’s reading was that the digital age has brought a new meaning to considering your audience. It was mentioned that it can no longer be assumed that the audience members in an oral presentation are present. Additionally, when I am writing in the future,  I plan to imagine that I am writing a paper to a fictionalized audience. Imagining you are writing to a fictionalized audience helps the writer be more creative and meaningful in their work.

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Blog post #3

In, “Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader,” Charles Bazerman mentions expression through writing. he says that expressing writing is easy because as the writer, you would understand and connect to the writing. However, as the reader, there could be misunderstandings due to the frame of reference from the reader. Bazerman also briefly talks about the evolution from a young writer to an advanced writer. Words start as simple and straightforward, but as you grow up those words can hold different meanings. This makes writing harder as you grow up and talk about large and complex ideas, rather than simple and easy to understand.

Often when texting, people won’t understand or it may not sound the same as what I intended. For example, after sending a text, my partner responded an hour later, to which I responded with, “A little late.” This comment could have been seen as a joke, or something serious, as if I was mad. These things can be avoided by adding more communication channels, or improved writing to make the comment seem like a joke.


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“Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” – Blog Post 3

In “Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader”, Charles Bazerman talks about how writing is meant to show feelings, desires, emotions, and everything a person feels inside. Bazerman also talked about the idea that writers start young, learning the basics, then as they grow their writing becomes more complex. Ideas that come from meaning are based on how the reader can view them, also with how the writer and reader can connect them together. As a reader, you can take what the writer said, and be able to understand it by only what is given or talked about, while the writer knows internally exactly what they mean without it. When writers starts at a young age and grows to develop better writings, the meaning behind each and every word also changes and can become more complex. Writers also are worried throughout their stories that people won’t be able to grasp them in the same way, and find the faults with the writers feelings.

A time that my writing didn’t have the intended effect was when I wrote a story about my grandma for college application essays. I wanted people around me to see the hardship I had to go through, but instead they saw my experience and focused on what I did to change my pain into motivation. At first I thought my story wasn’t meaningful enough, but it really was just that the audience didn’t feel my same pain at the time. I know that for the future, my ideas are not always going to match up with someone else. I also have to know for them to understand everything, it has to be in a full detail plus showing true emotion with my writing. It is important for writers to know that not everyone will perceive it the same way as we intend because if we were to always see the negative effect of our writing, it will never be great for others to read it and it might discourage them from writing an even better story. It can also show that we do not always have the right audience, but that is okay due to the fact that everyone has different experiences and ideas of how life goes.

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Blog Post #3

In the article “Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” by Charles Bazerman, he tells us that writing is a way of communicating a thought. As well as tell us that the writer has their opinion that they write down, but the readers might look at it differently. Another good thing he points out is that we will mature in writing. Once we have more life events, we will have lots to write about.

First off, I am known for my sarcastic personality, but when I text, it gets very confusing. I texted one of my friends from school talking about a tough topic. After I typed out my opinion, he gave the opposite response I was thinking of. I was trying to have a good conversation about the topic, but he thought I was just joking. From that point on I always try to be less sarcastic in my text messages, sense its harder to read the tone of the message if they can’t see me in person. If they understand your text message or any post about your opinion, it comes with less confusion. Every person interprets text differently, so when you can, try to make your text strait forward.

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Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader

In Charles Bazerman’s “Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader”, he claims that meaning is how we communicate our thoughts and feelings. Sharing meaning allows the reader to connect to the piece and share information with others. The reader never knows what the writer is actually thinking so it is important to have a purpose. Bazerman explains that meaning is sometimes left out because the author has fears of how their writing will be received. Writers need to be aware of the needs of the reader so they can best express meaning.

An example of a time when my writing has not been received as I intended was an essay I wrote in middle school. We were assigned an essay about the Civil War and I had mistakenly used quotations in a way that sounded sarcastic. My teacher was upset with me and I had to explain that the tone in which she read it was off and I never meant anything bad by it. As a result of this, I always make sure the tone of my writing and use of quotations are clear and understandable. It is important to know that readers reconstruct meaning in writing so we as writers can adjust and give our writing clear intentions.

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Blog post #3

In the text “Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” by Charles Bazerman, he argues that although a piece of writing can be the immediate emotions of the writers themselves, it is often misinterpreted by the reader, who will then take it in their own way based on their own experiences. He also explains that with age, your writing will begin to enhance and be perceived by readers in wider volumes, since you will go through more and more experiences. Bazerman forms the view that writing contains a lot of emotion, and through time, writers begin to take their audience’s experience into account more in order to convey the emotions that they want others to experience.

Once, I wrote out an intended text message that was to be perceived as lighthearted and friendly, although instead, it was taken as mean and cold hearted due to the lack of enthusiastic punctuation. After this experience, it made me more cautious about how I want my tone to be perceived. I was more aware of the different punctuation I used and the vocabulary that I chose. It is important that writers know the value of readers reconstructing their intended meaning, because it can turn an upbeat tone into a somber one or vice versa. Overall, it can change the whole meaning of a passage.

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Blog post #3

I found the article Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader by Charles Bazerman very interesting and insightful. The article is about how writing helps us communicate who we are or how we feel, to ourselves or others. The ability to use our words while writing to express ourselves starts at a young age. The meaning behind a writer’s words can be found in relation to the writer and reader as well as the text itself.  As we get older we are better able to express ourselves with writing because we have more life experience to support our writing. Not knowing how the reader will respond to our writing can be stressful and cause anxiety because sometimes our words can be misconstrued.

I myself can relate to my writing being taken wrong. I once posted a status on Facebook pertaining to my view on something but tried to remain somewhat neutral on the topic and it was taken the wrong way by a few close friends and family members. I had to quickly explain my point of view and explain that I wasn’t trying to cause trouble or start a debate, before any more trouble was caused. So even an innocent post on Facebook can be misinterpreted and taken differently than intended by the writer.

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blog post #3

Charles bazerman

“Writing expresses and shares meaning to be reconstructed by the reader”

In”Writing expresses and shares meaning to be reconstructed by the reader”, author Charles Bazerman argues that writing can always be seen differently by the reader. How writers often write with a strong message they want to audiences to see and think that audiences will notice them no matter what. Bazerman believes other wise because not everyone thinks the same. Readers can only control how they interpret what’s written, not how it should be interpreted.

Although I haven’t had a specific time where somebody didn’t understand my reading how intended to, there have been times people couldn’t understand the points I was making; I’d often make the mistake of putting 2 different points in the same paragraph and mixing them. how I fixed this was by reading through my passage slower and pin pointing every subject change, so I can organize them in a way where they feel natural. It’s important to understand that readers reconstruct writing because every one has a different perspective; Their opinions on other things may affect how they read.

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Scholar Writing


In the article “All Writers Have More To Learn” by Charles Bazerman, the main idea is to explain to future writers that they have to be more precise with the words they choose for their writing. The writer has to make sure the reader understands what’s going on because the reader cannot read the writer’s mind. You have to explain in every detail what’s going on and who’s in the story. Express the emotions going on, what’s happening in the background be more descriptive. Make sure to get feedback while your writing because it might make sense to you but to someone else you could be missing key factors. He explains how texting can alter the tone you are trying to set, might not come across so clearly to the receiver. For example, if I told my sister I’m coming over this weekend but she takes “weekend” as Saturday and Sunday. But I take it as Friday and Saturday, the miscommunication will put us in a weird and angry spot. She wasn’t ready for me to come over Friday because I didn’t explain what day’s I was coming. Meaning with any writing you need to be clear and explain details of what’s happening to make sure plans are right

2.) Personal Response

One time I wrote a text to my mom saying “I’ll be staying late at DJ’s tonight we are playing video games.” My mom replied “okay but remember to take the trash out tonight.” I said “I told you I was going to.” In my tone I was just restating what I told her and that I remembered. But my mom took it to say I was being snotty and told me to come home now. This made me feel upset, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that but I also got angry because I didn’t need to come home right then. This is a perfect explanation why writers need to understand that readers cannot magically understand what you’re saying. If I had put into different words that I remembered and would do that when I got home she wouldn’t have gotten mad. Texting through phones is harder to hear the tone of voice you are trying to give off. This argument could have never happened if I explained better.

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Blog Post #3

Charles Bazerman’s article, “Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader”, dives deep into the idea that it is important for writers to come up with ideas that help the reader be able to understand the idea they are communicating. To better explain this, it is mentioned that the writer must be able to create a relation between the reader and the writer through their work. This can be done through the words, experiences, expressions, and meanings that the writer chooses to use. As a reader, you are only able to read what the author has written and how they have chosen to express their story/work, therefore, the reader is unable to feel the emotions of the reader and is only able to come up with meaning of the story based off what they know and have read. On the other hand, allowing the reader to form meaning through what they know and have read can lead to miscommunication and tension for the writer. Bazerman explains that writers have a hard time sharing their most meaningful pieces due to the risk and anxiety caused by wondering how the reader will react.

A time when something I wrote did not have the intended effect on my reader was through a text message. This tends to happen quite frequently through text messages because you are not always able to tell the tone or emotion of the writer sending the text. A time I can specifically remember was when speaking to my father and sister who I have little interaction/communication with. Both my father and sister have a hard time facing the reality that we are not so close, therefore there is always a push for me to come over and spend time with them. One time in particular they had asked me to come to my dads house to visit. I didn’t want to seem rude and completely blow them off so I told them I would let them know about plans for the weekend. Unfortunately, this message was not understood by either one and they had thought that meant I would be coming over to spend the weekend with them. This lead to frustration on my end and put me in a tough/awkward situation to have to tell them I was in fact not coming over.

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