Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment

Habituated Practice Can Lead to Enrichment was written by Chris M. Anson. This writing is about how writers’ contexts are subjected to repeated the same processes and purposes. Repeated practice can lead to automaticity which is the process of retrieval of information that does not require conscious attention. An example used is shifting gears while driving. Habituation also explains struggles of more proficient writers when they have experienced writing the same genre for years and then having to adapt to another. Rhetorical awareness helps writers reflect on what they do in their writing to succeed. Using theories of situated cognition, writers will always have difficulty moving across rhetorical communities and must always learn anew in unfamiliar settings.

A writing skill that has become autonomic to me is writing in MLA format and using the acronym TIQA when writing paragraphs. I developed this skill because in high school every paper we wrote consisted of these two things, so it just became a habit. Advantages to this would be that in high school writing became an easy process after a while because of the repetitiveness. But a disadvantage would be that in college writing, you do not use the same formatting, so it is an adjustment and it takes a while to get used to. I think that habituated writing can be both good and bad for writers because it can make the process of writing easier, but it can also cause frustration and difficulty when you are in a new situation.

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“Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment”

In the reading “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment” by Chris M. Anson’s main idea is how writers can become comfortable in a specific area of writing. Writers can repeat the same genres of writing if they are comfortable with them. Writers tend to use the same processes for rhetorical purposes and addressing the same readers. That means their writing can become entrenched by the same repetitive writing and not switching it up. When some writers are stuck and don’t know how to get out they use the pedagogical approach. Meaning it makes the writer create new writing situations to get out their normal groove. This reflection can help writers reflect on their writing and find out what they need to do to make their writing successful. Like all writing it needs reflections from other writers to get a different point of view. After that you can step back and revisit your writing and thoughts. Maybe even going back and re-reading and making sure your information is understandable.

The writing skill that has become entrenched for me is how I persuade someone. It has always been easy for me to persuade someone and in writing it’s much easier. You have the problem and then multiple solutions but if I think one solution is better than the other I can use my words and persuade them. I think it’s easier than in person because in writing you have to have step by step play and already know what you’re gonna say. This skill became automatic when I was in 9th grade. I did a lot of persuasive essays that year that I became used to. Having all sides of the problem or solution helps me persuade someone into what I’m thinking. The advantages of this skill would be easy for me to set up an essay and I always know what I’m arguing. My disadvantages would be focusing on too much of my own opinion and not enough facts. I think habituated practice and automatic skills are good for writers because it can give the writer a different way to look at writings. It can give that writer a different perspective and could ultimately make their writing even better.

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Blog Post #5

In the article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment” by Chris M Anson, she tells us that when you right something for so long it becomes a habit and can mess you up in the future. Having written the same types of papers for so long the exact same way, then switching to a different type of papers will be a serious struggle. This idea goes for lots of things in life, so you will need to experience more and try new things to get a broader understanding.

My current writing level is just confusing. During my middle school, and high school years they have taught me so many different types of writing. I cannot keep them strait. Maybe they are all similar, but I’m not that smart to figure out if it is. In a simpler way to answer. The basics of writing is very hard, sense I was taught so many different types. Some things I do remember must have intro, three body, and conclusion Paragraphs. In though three main paragraphs tell your audience your evidence. Intro is just telling the reader a small percent of what your paper is about. Conclusion is wrapping up your whole paper with though three body paragraphs. I would say these habits have been hurting me because we learn so many different types of writing in this class, that I just get confused.

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Blog Post #5

In this article it talks about many similar things to what we learn like focus on the audience reader your essay. It is very important to be give great detail as to what you are writing about so the readers can really understand what you are writing for. It can be very difficult for even experienced writers to be direct in what they are writing about especially if it is something new. Anson says “Writers must always to some degree, learn a new in unfamiliar settings.”

One thing that has become very enriched for me when it comes to my writing is showing great detail in what i’m writing about so it can really show the reader i am interested in what i’m writing about and also give the reader an idea about the essay, especially if it is a new topic for them. One bad habit i think about with writing is not remembering the audience they are writing too and this has definitely happened to me. Also not giving enough detail about the subject.

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Blog Post #5

In the article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Enrichment” by Chris M. Anson describes when individuals constantly practice the same activity it becomes automatic. Writers that consistently learn to use a specific structure, format, and processes to create an essay will try and apply these to future essays. When having to learn to write something new resorting to habits can cause failure.

For me personally, I do not having any writing skills that are automatic. Throughout grade school I was always taught a different strategy such as ACES then the next year it would be something different. I was never able to practice skills for writing, it was and still is always guessing how. This has caused me to always struggle with essays, because it is very hard for me to learn new and complex ways to write when I barely know the basic skills of writing. I do not remember what ACES stands for unless I look it up online, I always have to go back and see how MLA or APA are set up. I think habitual and automatic skills can be very helpful for writers that do have them as they can automatically apply the style and possible structure needed without having to look up how. I often wish I had automatic skills in writing because maybe then I would be more confident in my writings.

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Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment

In “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment ”, Chris M. Anson talked about how when you learn something, and it becomes a habit, it’s hard to break it and it can tend to make you fail later on. Something becomes so natural, you do it even when it’s not asked. Anson talked about different ways that things become habits; changing gears in a car or writing an essay. Things become so habitual, that you don’t even realize you’re doing it. Continuing practice on one thing, makes it harder to change it later in life. Writing essays in high school and then college have different rubrics, and if you stay the same, you can fall behind because you aren’t changing to better your work. 

A writing skill that has become entrenched for me is writing an outline before I write my essay. Even if it is not asked, I tend to write one or just write my ideas down, so I know what to talk about. Doing this, there’s no disadvantages, it really helps to figure out my essay. It helps me because I am able to see everything to talk about, and see how it needs to be formatted. Personally, I think that habituated practice depends on a certain writing skill. There are some that can be very helpful, and some that can cause me to fall behind because I can’t get out of doing it. Like just writing essays, and putting down information instead of forming a cohesive work that makes everything connect. In the end, I think that it can be both positive and negative. 

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Blog Post 5

The article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment” by Chris Anson, this whole article is about how even writing to a certain audience can turn into a habit.  The idea that anything you repeatedly do, you will have stuck in that task, including writing.  The details of this soon are explained by the repeat of the same writing style for the same people can create a repeated writing style writing other stuff like you are writing your original style.  The idea that not getting focused on one writing style can help you feel like you are able to master multiple writing styles and not just one.

Writing styles are a lot of part of school and I feel one has mainly gotten stuck with me.  I have been having to use one writing style being formal informational writing for school.  This has been repeating for a while and keeping my mind stuck on this style has made me stronger in it yet made me habitual to it.  I ended up having this show up in my daily thought and writing having everything turning more formal than it should be making it not match the original subject.  This may make all of my formal writings more defined and allowing them to have more detail than other times, but when this is just casual it may possess more needed information and is more formal than the writing should.  I believe it is  a good thing due to it being largely indicated that in part of this was that you could master this one skill and create a refined writing in your style making your writing very well made.  Through the use of this, it creates a writer that can write in their style than ever imagined.

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Habituated Practice can Lead to Entrenchment – by Chris M. Anson

In the article Habituated Practice can Lead to Entrenchment – by Chris M. Anson he explains that a habitual practice can lead an individual to not succeed. For instance, if a person is taught how to write essays using a specific format, they will use what they know in future occurrences. If they were taught how to set up an essay in high school, they will use the same method to create a college essay which will not work, and they will fail.


A writing tool that has caused me to become entrenched would be how to set up and write an essay. I was taught a certain structure which I still go by that has taught me well but will not be able to help me as much later in college as writing gets harder and harder. Adding details is almost automatic for me, often times I end up adding more information and explanation then staying on topic of the point I am getting across. The essay writing has helped me as far as creating structure for my essays. It gives me a way to organize my essay without having to worry about screwing up. Some disadvantages are that I tend to add too much thought into my essay, and it get to the point where I second guess a lot of topics because they don’t have enough information, or they have too much information. To fix that I just pick a topic and go with the flow.


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Blog Post #5

The article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Enrichment” by Chris M. Anson shares how writers can become entrenched or solidified in their work. When writers focus repeatedly on similar topic, genres, or settings they become “solidified”. Because of this, when writers try to explore topics outside of their norm or attempt to write on topics/genres they are unfamiliar with it becomes challenging. The example in the article compared this challenge to a scientist writing information in a way a broader audience could comprehend what is being said. The way the writers overcome being entrenched in their writing is through practice, time and reflecting. In fact, reflection on writing allows for recognition of mistakes and understanding what is being written about, as well as reflecting on why the writer chose the words they did. 

For me, I think the skill that has become entrenched the most was MLA format and how to set up basic 5-paragraph essays in high school. Whenever I write an essay today I always go through the steps that were taught to us in high school. For example, I always come up with the three things I am going to talk about for each paragraph and begin by writing the body paragraphs then the introduction and conclusion. The disadvantage to this entrenched skill is that it doesn’t always allow me to write at a college level and I tend to use a lot of filler words which also causes me to not write at a college level as well. The advantage to this writing format is that it is easy for me to begin an essay and get it set up and from there I can make changes. I think overall habituated practice and automatic skill can be both good and bad for writers depending on the situation. If you become entrenched to writing about one topic, maybe for your career, this could be a good thing because you can perfect that skill and become a proficient writer in your career field. It could be bad if you were to change careers and are writing to a different audience because you then have to learn a new skill and language that makes sense to a different audience.

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Blog Post #5

In my own interpretation, I’ve gathered that when we consistently partake in a specific action or behavior, it eventually becomes a routine. Over time, these routines can become deeply rooted within us, making it difficult to deviate from them or try out fresh approaches. Whether it’s a daily regimen, a way of thinking, or a set of actions, habitual practices can offer a sense of security and familiarity. However, they can also constrain our capacity to explore new possibilities and adapt to changing circumstances. Consequently, while habits can furnish stability and efficiency, it’s crucial to remain aware of their potential to impede personal growth and innovation. By embracing new experiences and actively seeking diverse perspectives, we can liberate ourselves from the grip of routine and adopt a more pliable and adaptable mindset, making it comprehensible to a wider audience.

I think as a writer for me personally I feel as if some of my skills that I have I just use on repeat. I think I have found my comfort way of writing and when asked to present my ideas or context. I usually stick to those very few ways that I know how to do. I do think the habituated practice and automatic skills are good for writers that way when they are asked to do something they can express that they are knowledgeable in that aspect but when they are asked to change up variation or show something new that could be an issue. I think things as grammar and punctuation should be a repeated practice just because I feel like that doesn’t change when you move from different types of writing.

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