Blog Post 6

In ‘Writing Involves Making Ethical Choicea” John Duffy talks about the importance of writing. It is very important that we express how we are feeling to our reader and communicate our feelings. There are many other things that are discussed in this essay.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Being honest
  • Being accurate
  • Being respectful

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Being respectful of how we respond
  • Being open-minded
  • Having goodwill

I chose these responsinilities for readers and writers because they are important. For the writers, it is one important to be accurate with the facts you are putting into the essay. Also being honest with the facts you are putting into the essay. It is also important to be respectful in writing because we are writing to other people so being careful with the words we use is very important. For the readers we have to be respectful in the way we respond to the essay we are reading and no question is a dumb question. I think it is important that we use ethical choices in writing so we don’t hurt anyones feelings.

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blog post 6

Part 1:

In Writing involves Making ethical choices, Writer John Duffy emphasizes how important ethical choices in writing are for a good connection with the reader to be made. He explains that when writing, it’s building a relationship with the audience. Because of this, writers must address readers in a way that implies a good attitude and credibility to back the facts up.

Part 2:

I couldn’t find the ethical responsibilities

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Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices

Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices was written by John Duffy. This article talks about how we think about writing as an activity. Writing involves choices that arise from the relationship of the writer and reader. Writing involves ethical choices because when we write for others we propose a relationship. Questions that moral philosophers regard as ethical are the following: What kind of person do I want to be? How should I treat others? etc.. Saying that writing involves ethical choices is not to suggest that writers should be judged as ethical or unethical. Every text can be regarded as ethical or unethical based on it content. Writing involves ethical choices, creates a relationship with the reader and writer, and involves human values.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Integrity

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Support
  • Respect
  • Trust

I chose respect for both categories because it goes both ways. As a writer you have to have respect for your audience so people will read your work. As a reader you have to respect the writers work even if you disagree. Honesty is important because stealing work from others is not ethical, it has to be your own. Integrity is important because it is having morals that you stand by and respect. As readers, support is important because if we are not support others work, then no one will support your work. Trust is also important because the writers are trusting us with their words, and we have to trust that it is accurate information.

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Blog Post #6

In the article, “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, gives an in-depth analysis of the interactions between reader and writer.  John Duffy explains how the writing communicates the author to the reader allowing them to get a connection through the writing.  The article continues to give examples of how the writer can do better to communicate to the reader and how the reader can more easily accept the writer’s writing.  This gives the ideas about how this communication can help people in the subject to more easily connect.

What are three ethical responses of a writer?

  • Honest in writing
  • Kind writing
  • Fairness to all readers and show opposing views

What are three ethical responses of a reader?

  • Reading with an open mind
  • Look at the subject in different perspectives
  • Read the subject with respect to the writer

The readers and writers all have responses and none of them should be taken lightly.  I chose these responses because of how they can connect the reader and writer together to create a stronger writing that can more openly understand each other. One of the main responses I felt was being open minded as a reader.  John Duffy shows this by talking about how it gives the reader an easier way to connect with the writing.  The most important thing for the writer I feel is to be fair to all readers allowing everyone to have a chance to feel the opposing views and multiple perspectives of a situation.  When a situation has all of these responses, I feel they will have more ability to become together and become connected and communicative.  When all of this is achieved, the reader and writer can become a stronger force creating greatly improved reading and writing.

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Blog Post #6

In the short story ¨ Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices¨ by John Duffy, Duffy explores the ethical dimensions of writing.  The story dives into the idea that writing isn´t just a mechanical act but also involves ethical considerations.  It highlights the idea that every writer, consciously or unconsciously, makes a series of ethical choices while crafting their work.  These choices go beyond grammar or style; they encompass decisions about what to write, how to frame information, and the potential consequences of their words on both individual readers and society.  Duffy emphasizes the responsibility writers have in making ethical decisions when it comes to their craft.

Ethical responsibilities as writers:

  • Choosing thoughtfully about the topic of your writing
  • Presenting diverse perspectives
  • Minimizing harm through words

Ethical responsibilities as readers:

  • Critical engagement
  • Respect for diverse perspectives
  • Responsible sharing and discussion

I chose these responsibilities as writers and readers because they help connect with each other and create a relationship.  It is important to make ethical choices when reading and writing because what we consume and produce can significantly influence our thoughts and actions, as well as others.  Ethical choices in reading and writing contribute to more understanding and informed society.



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Blog Post #5

In “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment,” Chris M. Anson discusses the potential downsides of habitual practices.  He suggests that the repetition of certain behaviors or routines can lead to a state of entrenchment, where these practices becomes deeply ingrained and almost automatic.  This entrenchment, while sometimes beneficial, can limit an individual’s adaptability and creativity.  This could potentially hinder their ability to respond to new situations or challenges.  Anson’s work prompts us to reflect on our own habits and consider the balance between comfort in routine and the need for growth and change.

A couple writing skills that have become entrenched to me include vocabulary building, proper grammar use and clear sentence structure.  This has become entrenched since I was in middle school.  Over the years, these skills have gotten strong and continue to improve.  One possible advantage of these skills could be the consistency of my writing.  One disadvantage of these skills could be limiting creativity in my writing.  I personally think that habituated practice and automatic skills are good things for writers.  I believe that they are good because they help writers craft their work more efficiently and effectively.

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Blog Post #5

In Chris Anson’s, “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment,” he says that writing the same way for an extended amount of time can make it can make less creative. As a writer when repeatedly writing a similar formats, the format can become second nature. This can cause writers to always fall back on the type of writing that they are comfortable with and make other formats hard to accomplish. However, some writers use a pedagogy approach, as in different types of assessments and writings so that they can recall other methods, and are not constantly doing the same things.

When writing I always follow the five-paragraph rule for an essay. However, this format may not always be the most fitting format or style to write in. This became automatic for me throughout high school, as my teachers would expect it. “Intro, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion,” the teachers would force down our throats. The advantage is that the five-paragraph rule is a good format in most cases, but to make this a habituated practice is probably not the best for a writing student. I think that habituated practice is both good and bad. Without the practices, a writer would have to start from square one every time, as if they did not know how to write. However, once you are in a hit they are hard to break, so writing in different genres could be very difficult.

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Blog Post #5

The main point of the article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment” by Chris M. Anson is that writing can become dry if there is no exposure. When writers get used to the same rhetorical situations they become comfortable and forget that their audience can change. The author relates repeated writing to changing gears in a car, it comes as a second nature. This causes problems when the situation changes and the writer can not adjust. The author suggests reflecting on what they have to do in their writing to meet the standards of the rhetorical situation.

As mentioned in the article a writing practice that has become automatic for me is creating five-paragraph-style essays. This has been taught to me all throughout high school so it has become simple for me to do. The advantages of some writing habits are good structure, clarity, and simplicity. The disadvantages of some writing habits include not adjusting to your audience, lost meaning, and a lost sense of awareness that is needed for good writing. Overall I think that habituated practice and automatic skills are a bad thing for writers. It limits the creativity and possibilities that writers have in each different circumstance.

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Blog post #5

In “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment” by Chris M. Anson, he points out that only applying the same practice of writing over and over can cause writers to become stuck in that standard style of writing. This habit makes it harder for writers to comply to different types of audiences and meet the standards of rhetorical writing. Anson urges writers to break out of their comfort zone every once in a while, and become more adaptable for different audiences and topics.

Having repetitive habits in your writing can certainly have its disadvantages like making your writing seem a bit boring. Although I also think it can have advantages depending on what your particular habit is. Generally speaking, having writing habits could lead you to staying on the topic very well, staying consistent in a proper format, and it could even mean using specific transition words in all of your writings. Having entrenched habits doesn’t necessarily have to be bad. I think habituated practices and automatic skills could be both good and bad. It all depends on what the habit is and how the writer chooses to use it.

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Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment

In the article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment,” the author explores the concept of habituated practice in writing. The main idea revolves around how repetitive writing practices can become automatic and deeply ingrained in a writer’s style. The author discusses how these habits can both aid and hinder a writer’s adaptability to different writing contexts. The article highlights on the idea that what we repeatedly practice can become a default mode of writing, for better or worse.

One writing skill that has become almost second nature to me is using proper grammar. Over the years, I’ve gotten into the habit using correct grammar and sentence structure when I write. This skill has developed through reading, writing and school studies. The advantage of this habit is that it ensures my writing is clear and easy to understand, which is crucial for communicating ideas. It also adds better quality to my written work. Having grammar skills is beneficial, but it can also restrict creativity.

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