Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” John Duffy discusses how writing is not only about conveying information but how it also involves ethical choices stemming from the relationship between the writer and the reader. When writing for others, writers propose a relationship with readers, addressing ethical questions about what kind of writer they want to be and how they should treat their audience.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Honesty
  • Accuracy
  • Fairness

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Respect
  • Open-minded
  • Goodwill

I chose these ethical responsibilities because they are important. Writing with honesty and accuracy can earn respect and cause the reader to think critically. A reader that is respectful to the writer and is open-minded about the text they can learn more. It is important to make ethical choices when writing and reading because writing shapes relationships, and ethical choices determine whether these relationships are built on trust, mutual respect, or shared values.

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” Writing Involves making Ethical Choices”

John Duffy’s article “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” provides a detailed exploration of the relationships between the writer and reader. In order to make their writing compelling, authors must decide how to present themselves. What form of communication they’re gonna carry out and comprehend to their target audience. Overall, readers’ ethical obligations are determined by the writer’s ethical obligations. 

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Respect
  •  Honesty
  • Acknowledgement of diversity

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Have an open Mind
  • Be respectful
  • Having goodwill

    Because it applies to both readers and writers, I chose respect. To encourage readers to read your work, writers must appreciate their audience. To take someone else’s work is plagiarism so it’s important to be honest in your work. Acknowledging diversity is also important, Writers need to understand that their readers might have different perspectives. John Duffy mentioned this by describing how it makes it simpler for the reader to relate to the writing. Readers must read with an open mind since doing so will enable them to perceive things from different angles.. When a reader has goodwill it helps them keep a sense of truth while they read.

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Blog post #6

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, he goes into detail on what it really means to sculpt writing. Writing requires authors to make the decisions that are right based on how they want to be perceived and what they think is correct in their standards as well as appropriate for their audience. Each time a writer writes something new, they get to decide who they want to be, based on the ethical decisions that they choose from.

Ethical responsibilities as a writer

  • Portraying desired effects that we wish to create and share with other people.
  • Being accurate and precise so readers can understand us and get the truth.
  • Being intriguing to keep readers interested.

Ethical responsibilities as readers

  • Remain open minded when reading.
  • Find what the text is trying to tell you.
  • Find important ideas in the reading.

I chose these responsibilities because in the text, the author lists a few questions that writers may ask themselves when trying to decide how they want to be portrayed by readers. I took these questions and thought about how they might play a role in my decision making when writing. I also used these questions to determine how a reader might be able to contribute to what a writer was thinking on their end of creating. Duffy indicates in his writing that although some writers don’t out right ask themselves how they want to be perceived or what they want to sound like, the thought is still there.

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“Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices.” by John Duffy

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices”, John Duffy talks about how writing is forming relationships between the writer and the reader based on ethics. When writing, whether on purpose or not, writers are trying to build a relationship built on the information they use. Writers have to think about how they want to portray their messages, how the readers will react, and how to build a relationship with the reader. The readers also have to be open to the ideas of the writer, they have to see where they are coming from and try to see it that way to fully grasp the concept. For writers, they have to try and make sure that their writing is ethical, and can reach their audience in a way that they are aiming for.

  • What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?
    • Knowing what kind of writer we want to be.
    • Knowing what we need for our readers to be persuaded and informed.
    • Knowing what words would be best for readers to see and be influenced by through the writing.
  • What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?
    • Try to understand what is being communicated.
    • Read with respect, an open mind, and humility. Do not judge the writer without reading it through.
    • Try to understand the writer’s point of view; try to see their attempts at persuading you.

I chose these responsibilities for writers because in using them, we are ensuring that we are writing to the best of our ability for the readers. In the writing, it talks about how we are trying to build a relationship of trust and giving the readers everything they need to understand our point of view. We need to write with ethics, to make sure that our readers are understanding where we are coming from and what we want out of it. As readers, we have responsibilities as well because we want to read something to get something out of it. If we go into a reading, and are already prejudging, then we cannot get the full effect of the writer. The opinions shown in writing are meant to try and persuade us, we need to try and see that, to be able to communicate through the readings.

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Writing Involves making Ethical Choices

Ethical responsibilities of writers:

  • Be Accurate: Writers must make sure their information is correct and backed by research to maintain trust.
  • Give Credit: Writers should always acknowledge their sources to avoid plagiarism and honor the work of others.
  • Respect the Audience: Writers need to consider how their words affect readers, avoiding harm, discrimination, or spreading misinformation.

Ethical responsibilities of readers:

  • Think Critically: Readers must question the reliability of what they read to prevent the spread of false information.
  • Respect Authors: Readers should understand the author’s intentions and context to avoid misinterpretation.
  • Share Ethically: Readers must responsibly share and discuss information, avoiding the spread of false or harmful content.

The article “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” highlights the significance of ethics in writing. It states that writers must be accurate, give credit to sources, and consider their audience. For readers, it encourages critical thinking, respecting authors, and ethical sharing of information. These ethical decisions are crucial in fighting misinformation and ensuring trust in what we read and write, ultimately making society more informed and reliable.

I chose these responsibilities based on this reading because it shows the responsibilities such as accuracy, proper citation, and respect for the audience for writers. Readers are encouraged to think critically, respect authors, and engage with information ethically. For example, the reading discusses how writers need to provide accurate information because their words can influence others’ beliefs and actions. Proper citation is crucial to acknowledge the intellectual contributions of others and avoid plagiarism. Respecting authors’ intentions and the context of their work is discussed in the reading as a way to avoid misinterpretation and uphold ethical standards. Ethical engagement is vital to prevent the unintentional sharing of false or harmful information.


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Blog Post #6 – Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices

In the article “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” Johns Duffy explains how we perceive writing as an activity. Writing not only is done to list information, create message, argue, but it involves ethical choices relating writer and reader. No matter what type of writing is being performed there is always a way for it to be brought back to a bigger picture. When a piece of writing has ethics it provokes the reader to access their morals and human values, teaching them way more than say the statistic in the reading. Overall it creates a relationship with the reader and writer.

Ethical Responsibilities as a Writer:

  • honesty
  • accuracy
  • fairness

Ethical Responsibilities as a Reader:

  • respect
  • open-mindedness
  • humility

I chose these responsibilities for readers and writers because to me they each play an important role. If a writer writes with honesty, maybe about a tough topic, they would then earn the respect from the readers. If a writer displays accuracy it could potentially inform the reader of the opposing viewpoint to see the issue differently. If the writer shows fairness in their writing it can provide the reader to strive to be more humble. These responsibilities go hand in hand, they rely on each other to succeed. Ultimately allowing the reader to take what they have learned and apply the ethics in their life through decision making and human interaction.

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Blog Post #6

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, it explains that writes need to have a better open mind when considering others when writing papers. Using ethical thinking will help us write better, connecting us to the readers with are feelings. Having the relationship with them will help make the paper more relatable, happy, and even being a little angry on the topic. But they would understand is way better.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Honest
  • Accurate
  • Respectful

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Respectful
  • Support
  • Open-minded

I choose these responsibilities because I think they are very important. When writing a paper not being honest, accurate, and respectful can lead to someone not trusting your paper. It says in the article that, “Conversely, an informational or persuasive text that is unclear, inaccurate, or deliberately deceptive suggests a different attitude toward readers: one that is at best careless at worst contemptuous”. People would lose hope in your paper, they wouldn’t care as much. As a reader if you really want to learn something you have to be respectful, supportive, and open-minded. Finally, it’s important to be ethical in reading and writing sense it’s the best way of learning. Not be nice or not hearing other people opinions will only slow you down in the learning process.

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“Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices”

In the article “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices,” John Duffy discusses how powerful writing requires writers to make ethical choices about how they want to present themselves to others. What type of communication will be done right and understood by their audience. Readers ethical responsibility is overall based on the writer’s ethical responsibilities. The reader has to have an open mind, goodwill, and respectfulness when it comes to reading other people’s writing. Readers have to have an open mind while reading because it will allow the reader to see different perspectives. Readers have to have a goodwill to be understanding even if it’s not what they truly believe in. Writers have to keep in mind to be honest, accurate, and to be fair when it comes to their own writing. Honest to their readers, accurate so the readers know the information is correct, and to be fair for their readers so they don’t have all opinion based writing.

(Writers)Prioritize accuracy, truthfulness with their work, and respect

  • Writers have to prioritize accuracy to give their readers correct information and this makes your writing more credible and have readers trust you more. Writers have to be honest and also prioritize accuracy. If you are honest about the information and maybe even your own opinion, readers will want more and come back to your writing. Writers need to have respect because the author wants their writing to be read. The readers will respect the writer and will come back.
  • An example of writers prioritizing accuracy in reading is “…writing as an activity that involves communicating information, or making an argument, or expressing a creative impulse…” (pg1).  Accuracy can be in anything like an argument and creative writing you have to make sure your information is correct to have your readers come back. An example of truthfulness is “And that, in turn, initiates a relationship between writer and readers, one that necessarily involves human values and virtues.” ( pg 27). Truthfulness can make you closer to your readers and can make the writers understand what the readers want. An example of respect is when “Writing involves ethical choices because every time we write for another person, we propose a relationship with other human beings, our readers.”(pg8) respect can go a long way when it comes to writing. It can make the raiders trust you more like a relationship.
  • It is important to make ethical choices when writing because it strengthens the writer’s credibility and makes sure the writer doesn’t have a weak bias.

(Readers)Trust, engagement, and have a open mind

  • Readers have to trust what the writer is giving them and could help understand the writer’s meaning. Engaged reading is a consolidation of motivation and thoughtfulness. Readers need an open mind to really take in the information and to sympathize with the writing.
  • An example of trust is “To say that writing involves ethical choices is not to suggest that individual writers should be judged as ethical or unethical in the sense of being moral, upright, honest, and so forth.” (pg18). The readers have to give trust to the writer, you either have a moral right to write accurate information or not, you have to pick and choose who really is truthful. An example of engagement is “we cross a threshold that both expands and complicates our understanding of what it means to write.”(pg 55). You have to be fully endangered when it comes to reading to understand what it takes to write, to really appreciate their hard work. An example of an open mind is when John Duffy explains how it gives the reader an easier way to connect with the writing.
  • It is important to make ethical choices when reading because it can really open your mind to other things in the world and can help you as a reader to write as well.
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Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices- By John Duffy

Ethical Writing Responsibilities:

  • Be honest.
  • Be accountable.
  • Be accurate.

Ethical Reading Responsibilities:

  • Be respectful.
  • Be openminded.
  • Be understanding.

Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices by John Duffy shows us what readers and writers have to think about. The author explains the ways that writers can express themselves to their readers, through being honest, accountable, and most importantly accurate. Based off of “These qualities imply an attitude toward the writer’s readers… (pg 32)” Those qualities show your readers the attitude in which you are putting into your writing. The author then goes to explain writing from a reader’s point of view. Duffy says “Conversely, an informational or persuasive text that is unclear, inaccurate or deliberately deceptive shows a different attitude towards readers. (pg 32)” This furthers the idea on how readers portray the writers writing, with that they need to be respectful, openminded, and understanding. If the readers do all of those things, then they will be able to better understand the writing and help the writers be better.


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Blog Post #6

Writers responsibilities:

  • Honesty
  • Accuracy
  • Fairness

Readers Responsibilities:

  • Respectfulness
  • Open-minded
  • Goodwill

According to the article, “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, it is heavily pointed out that writers must make ethical choices. These choice will not determine whether or not the writer is unethical or ethical but rather allows the reader to address their audience and build a relationship between the reader and writer. Specifically stated by Duffy, “A writer attempting to communicate an idea or persuade an audience, for example, may write in ways that privilege honesty, accuracy and fairness….”(Duffy 31&32). On the other hand, in the article we discover the ethical responsibilities of readers. As stated before, it Is not a readers job to judge if a writer is ethical or unethical but to try and build a relationship between the reader and writer. Additionally, a reader’s ethical responsibilities is based on how the writer uses their ethical responsibilities. As better stated in the text, “These qualities imply an attitude toward the writer’s readers: in this case attitudes of respectfulness, open-mindedness, goodwill and perhaps humility” (Duffy 32). I think it would be important when reading and writing to make ethical choices because It would make for a better way to interact with your audience. For example, If you’re writing a paper based off your opinion, maybe it’s a controversial topic, making ethical choices through accuracy of information, fairness by stating both sides, and honesty in what you’re writing, you will be able to build a better relationship with your audience and potentially attract a broader audience to your writing.

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