Navigating the Defeats in Life and the Authority it has on Writing by Aliya McFadden

In the passage, “Failure Can be an Important Part of Writing Development” written by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, they address just how important failure is and the amazing outcomes that it captivates. The authors begin to push their point across by relating credible writers to the term that is failure. Successful writers typically need to fail time and time again in order to birth quality and readable pieces. The authors that the community deems as “the best” admit to making lots and lots of mistakes before producing the pieces that end up being so smoothly written and adored.

The authors then carry their point on to the fact that the standards for writing will never stay the same especially those asked of a student. The key to keep up and adapt with these given standards is allowing yourself the room to openly try, fail, grow, and try again. The shame that surrounds grades and getting poor grades causes a lot of students to play it safe when it comes to writing assignments. They choose to keep things simple and attempt to meet the given criteria in one fell swoop as opposed to venturing out of that small box they’ve built around themselves a chance to fail and accept growth in the process.

One of the last points that these creators found important was the idea that accepting failure is a huge step in becoming a good writer. Many ‘ok’ writers are too afraid to fail and become the best version of authors that they can be. It is extremely important that the term failure becomes normalized and the stigma surrounding it fades away. Failure should be seen as a steppingstone to success rather an insufficiency.

This text is about the important effects that failure has on success.  A clear statement that conveys this is, “; often, the writing we encounter has been heavily revised and edited and is sometimes the result of a great deal of failure”(Brooke and Jones 62).  This means that the different forms of writing that people deem as great, or number 1 has gone through a lengthy process to get that way and a lot of trial and error was likely used. This was an important statement because it is very true and backs up both authors points of view. I chose this GIF because it represents the idea that failing is ok and most definitely helpful and important if you want to eventually do good.

FAIL [F] First [A] Attempt [I] In [L] Learning