Failure is Key to Succeeding in Writing

As Collin Brooke and Allison Carr wrote in “Failure Can Be an Important Part Of Writing Development“, they went through how nobody is perfect in their writings on the first try. Brooke and Carr pointed out that writing takes time, and failure to make it close to perfect in the end. They also talked about how even the most talented writers we see today have failures. The main difference that they have from everybody else is that they keep trying until they get the final draft that they want. Students try to make their first draft the best one and end up failing more than if they were to allow themselves more opportunities to try again. As students start their writing process, they think that they can’t fail if they want to make their writing great. The best way to make a piece of writing flow better is to start over, make more mistakes, but continue trying until they reach their end product. Brooke and Carr also brought up the idea that failure isn’t just correlated with writing. People have to fail to experience life. Without failure, a life would be filled with too much caution and it wouldn’t be filled with anything.

The writing about failing helps so many beginner writers realize that failing is the first step to improvement. From the reading, a big takeaway was the idea that a writer will fail but the only way to be a fantastic writer is by trying again. In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development”, Brooke and Carr said, “Such practices will enable writing teachers and students to develop a healthy dialogue around the experience of failure…” This evolves the idea that students and teachers can communicate about what is going on, and figure out what steps need to be taken to fix the mistakes. Students sometimes worry that their failures may be too massive to adjust, so they work around them instead of asking for help. Teachers want students to try their best, and they have learned that first comes failure then success for many students. Another big thing about this writing that stood out was how they incorporated names of famous writers, who have experienced failure first. One big name is J.K. Rowling, the author of the famous Harry Potter series. Rowling has admitted to failing in some of her writings, the stories she wrote before Harry Potter took off. Hearing about an author who is well known for having struggles was influential because it teaches beginners that they don’t always need to succeed on the first try. This writing is helpful for me, and so many others, because it teaches writers that not everything is going to be perfect and things will take multiple attempts to have them work.