Development of Habituated Writing

By: Dante Pellegrino

In the article, “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment” by Chris M. Nanson, the ideas of habituated writing have been a thing for a long time.  The idea of a habit is something that manifests itself by doing something repeatedly to decrease the advanced thought of it and make it rather an automatic focus making the task easier to do and start.  The idea of habituated writing is an idea on habits onto the work of writing.  This is the repeated practice of writing is a way to develop one’s life to advance their particular style of writing to its peak ability.  The idea of making a mastering in ideas like this is because of how to entrench yourself into one writing style.  The idea may leave your other writing to a basis of just the usual and may even have a twist on it for the habitual writing you were focused on.  This advancement is always positive because you can always improve other writing and with this as a basis it will create a great start.  Writing is like any sport, a good example of it would be something like baseball, you throw the ball over and over again, it will continuously improve until it is a substantial advancement.  If you ever asked a professional about how many throws, they would probably say something like they couldn’t even guess because they have thrown so many baseballs.

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Anyone can start this at any time, the idea of habituated writing is a focus on one particular writing perfecting it like anything else that you are trying to get just right.  You could begin by just writing any time that you can working on a certain genre and a writing style.  Writing is always going to develop, and they will become an idea closer to perfection.

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This writing will advance better if you focus more on the advancement of your writing.  If your writing keeps up there is no end to your perfection of the writing it allows one to become a model in a writing and also comes to book writers too.  An example of this is how one person writes in the same genre continuously creating better and better writing making them entrenched in it.  The habitual writing has so many ways to continue implementing it into writing.  The life of writing is something that will never disappear and rather just develop into a new world.  Writing will develop into new forms with the new technology.  This will not affect the writing skills of the person and rather just change the way they are channeled.  This will become the new life and becoming a new world for the future.