All Writers Are Different

By: Kylie Kroll

Every writer is different. They all have different personality traits that make their writing unique. The more they write the more their writing changes as well. Everything is always changing. The relationships in a work place or even the environment they are writing in. Writers find different ways to learn how to adjust to whom they are writing too. We learn this as kids to talk to social standards. This is what writers have to do in writing everyday. Something else that plays a big role in different writing pieces is the history of the writer. Sometimes we go through things that make it easier to write, because we have some knowledge about it already.

When teaching was not a thing people would find different ways to draw such as on caves and much more. So when teaching, publishing, editing, revising came to it was really nice to see everyones personalities and identities really come out as well. With all the technology we have today it can be easier for someone to get a paper published because we have online sites that can do all of that not. Teaching in todays world can be harder especially if teaching composition because the students find different ways around the hard stuff that we need to know about writing and the processes, but also these students are more likely to show their identities in writing today because we have been told not one piece of writing is the same between two people.

The article “Writers’ Histories, Processes, and Identities Vary” By Kathleen Blake Yancey helped me more understand why everyone has a different writing process. That is simply because everyone is different. We have all faced different things in our histories and we all have different identities. This makes everyone have their own special unique way of writing. I have a way of writing that helps me figure out what to write about. I struggle with writing, but I push myself to have the best writing piece. Sometimes when I am struggling I sit there and look at my blank page. This is because everyone is different and has different ways of doing everything and not just writing too. Sometimes we experience things that we can write about in an essay. Even if we are all writing about the same things you will never see two that look identical because we all have different ways of writing and expressing our feelings.

Cait Flanders Quote: “No two paths are the same, just as no two people are the

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