Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blog Post #10

In the article All Writers Have More to Learn by Shirley Rose, she talks about how writers will always have more to learn about writing. Writers must struggle to write in new contexts and genres. Deciding what quote to use and choosing … Continue reading

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Discussion Post #10

In the article “All Writers Have More to Learn” by Shirley Rose, she explains that writing is such a tuff topic and can learn so many different things. She tells us that is takes time and effort even if it’s … Continue reading

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Blog # 10

In the reading “All Writers Have More to Learn” by Shirley Rose she describes to us that writing abilities are not a one and done deal. Writing requires a constant effort in order to see improvements. As we learn and … Continue reading

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Blog Post #10

In Kathleen Blake Yancey’s article, “Learning to Write Effectively,” she talks about the importance of practicing writing. There are specific parts of writing that more people should practice, fluidity, and refining techniques. Another suggestion is to practice with other people, … Continue reading

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Blog Post 9

In “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” Doug Downs talks about how writers repeatedly edit their work. He talks about how writing is something that takes revision to be right because the first draft is not perfect. He also talks … Continue reading

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Blog Post #9

In “Revision is Central to Developing Writing,” Doug Downs talks about the importance of the revision process in writing. Downs says that revising a first draft can help a writer develop full ideas and see other points of view. When … Continue reading

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“Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” – Doug Downs

In “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing”, Doug Downs talks about the importance of peer reviewing and revising your paper after a first draft. A first draft is made to find where problem areas are, and fix them. Having someone … Continue reading

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Blog Post 9

In the passage ” Revision is central to developing writing” by Doug Downs. The importance to writing is the revision process. Going back and re reading what you have already written can help a lot in helping your writing. It … Continue reading

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Blog Post 9

In the article “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” by Doug Downs the importance of revising your writing multiple times is stressed.  Going back and rereading your work can cause you to expand the writing’s ideas to make the writing … Continue reading

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Blog post #9

In the text “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” by Doug Downs, he bases his message around the importance of revising your writing. Downs expresses that revising your work should never be seen as a punishment but rather a privilege. … Continue reading

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