Category Archives: Writing

Crafting Connections: Exploring the Social and Persuasive Nature of Writing By Yunek Collins

Writing is more than just putting words on paper-it’s a dynamic and social process. It allows us to connect with others, share ideas and persuade through the power of language. Whether it’s a heartfelt letter, an engaging blog post, or … Continue reading

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Integrating the Social and Rhetorical Aspects of Writing in a Professional Setting

by Chuck Parker In “Writing is a Social and Rhetorical Activity,” from Naming What We Know (2015), Kevin Roozen claims that writers often fail to recognize the complex combination of social and rhetorical aspects that impact the effectiveness of their … Continue reading

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Opportunities and Success: Why We Should Learn to Fail

By Zainab Faessal The writing process is never smooth or natural; often bad first drafts and mistakes are important steps in becoming a great writer. Revising and editing work is something all writers do and learning how to do so … Continue reading

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Learning to Write, Is it Natural?

Shirley Rose wrote in “All Writers Have More to Learn,” we learn that writing is not as simple as learning a math problem where once we know a formula, we know how always to solve that type of equation. In … Continue reading

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What Makes Writing Ethical?

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” John Duffy explains the idea of ethics inside the world of writing. Ethics, as it pertains to writing, is not a matter of morals; but a matter of  how ideas and stories are conveyed. … Continue reading

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Speech Vs. Writing

Spoken language and writing are different from one another in multiple ways. Speech is an ability that is learned from an early age, it comes naturally to us. Author Dylan B. Dryer stated that “speech is natural in the sense … Continue reading

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Everyone Is Not Perfect

Writing can be a little confusing at some points it also can be very similar or very strange with coming up with your own projects or ideas. Shirley Rose the Writer of “All Writers Have More To Learn” has also … Continue reading

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Failure IS an Option

There are quite a few attention grabbing and eye opening sentences and quotes “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing” like the quote from Anne Lamott about how “Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts” and this … Continue reading

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How Writing Connects Us To Our Audience

Within the text “Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity” by Kevin Roozen, he expresses the fact that there is many different forms of writing that we find ourselves doing: writing an email, text messages to our friends and family, … Continue reading

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“Failure can be an Important Part of Writing Development”

“We often forget, however, that successful writer men those whoa re simply able to write brilliant first drafts; often, the writing we encounter has been  heavily revised and edited and is sometimes the result of a great deal of failure” … Continue reading

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