Author Archives: Kaylee Powelson

Blog Post 11

In the article, Writers’ Histories, Processes, and Identities Vary, written by Kathleen Blake Yancey, she talks about how human beings share histories and engage in similar processes, and how each writer is unique. Each writer is a combination of different … Continue reading

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Blog Post #10

In the article All Writers Have More to Learn by Shirley Rose, she talks about how writers will always have more to learn about writing. Writers must struggle to write in new contexts and genres. Deciding what quote to use and choosing … Continue reading

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Revision is Central to Developing Writing

In the article written by Doug Downs, Revision is Central to Developing Writing, he talks about how writers work in composing several different versions. Each time reflecting or getting reader feedback. Revision significantly develops the text’s ideas, structure, and design. Writing … Continue reading

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Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development

The text written by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development, talks about how teaching writing should focus just as much on failure as it does on success. Successful writers do not get a … Continue reading

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Writing Is Not Natural

In this piece written by Dylan B. Dryer, he talks about an essential difference. This difference is how speech is natural in the sense that we have been speaking to each other for years. Our speech is complex loops and … Continue reading

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Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices

Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices was written by John Duffy. This article talks about how we think about writing as an activity. Writing involves choices that arise from the relationship of the writer and reader. Writing involves ethical choices because … Continue reading

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Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment

Habituated Practice Can Lead to Enrichment was written by Chris M. Anson. This writing is about how writers’ contexts are subjected to repeated the same processes and purposes. Repeated practice can lead to automaticity which is the process of retrieval … Continue reading

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Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences,

Writing is rational and responsive, these characteristics of writing are known as the rhetorical triangle. This has each of its points as a key element. Those could include the writer, audience, or text. The audience for a speech is present, … Continue reading

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Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader

In this article written by Charles Bazerman, he explains that by writing, we can communicate through a medium of written words. The expression of writing makes them clearer to the readers, where they can attempt to make sense of the … Continue reading

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What Do We Mean By “Good Writing”

Good writing can have many terms that describe it. As stated in the chapter, good writing is clear, concise, correct, and compelling. This is similar to what I have heard about writing before, but in past writing classes, I feel … Continue reading

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