Author Archives: falort

blog post 11

In “Writers Histories, processes, snd identities vary.” by Kathleen Blake Yancey, she explores how the backgrounds, creative methods, and personal identities of writers can differ greatly. She emphasizes that each writer has their own unique journey and approach to the … Continue reading

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blog post #10

“All writers have more to learn” by Shirley Rose, she continuously emphasizes that no matter what stage you are in writing or how “professional” you may think that you are, every writer can always continue learning and improving their writing … Continue reading

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Blog Post #6

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, Duffy emphasizes that writing is not just about putting words on paper or a screen, but it also involves making many ethical decisions. When we write, we have the power to … Continue reading

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Blog Post #5

In my own words, what I took from this is that when we consistently engage in a particular practice or behavior it just becomes a habit. over time, these habits can become deeply ingrained and entrenched within us. this means … Continue reading

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Blog Post #4

According to Andrea Lunsford, when we write, we are not just putting words on paper. Writing has the power to address, invoke, and create audiences. it means that as writers, we have the ability to shape our content in a … Continue reading

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Good Writing

To me personally “Good Writing” is something that really kept me so interested. To me this text meant and seemed to be directed at how much reading and writing can come in so many different forms. This text was very … Continue reading

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