About this Project

Each semester, my Composition I students at Lansing Community College read selections from the text, Naming What We Know. They summarize then respond to ten of those selections in our blog so that they begin to think through the concepts they are learning. At semester’s end, they select one of their posts and create a full webpage based on that post, which then becomes part of a collection of student work on our site.

We have many goals for this project:

  • We learn about writing, not just how to write.
  • We practice digital literacy skills.
  • We learn to thoughtfully cultivate our digital identity.
  • We practice our ability to summarize scholarly articles.
  • We practice revision skills.
  • We practice writing in the open, for public audiences.
  • We share our knowledge with those inside and outside the college.
  • We show the world that community college students are as talented and thoughtful as their four-year counterparts. #endccstigma

This site is part of Lansing Community College’s Open Learning Lab, the first “Domain of One’s Own” project at a community college. We are hosted by Reclaim.

Leslie C. Johnson

“…one of the first lessons writers learn, one that may be either frustrating or inspiring, is that they will never have learned all that can be known about writing and will never be able to demonstrate all they do know about writing.”  –Shirley Rose