Blog post #9

In the text “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” by Doug Downs, he bases his message around the importance of revising your writing. Downs expresses that revising your work should never be seen as a punishment but rather a privilege. Revising helps you to open new doors in your thinking and add or touch up new ideas based on new knowledge you may have acquired. He also expresses that you are more likely to see rewards from revising versus if you just left your first draft as your final.

“Revision is Central to Developing Writing” by Doug Downs and “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott each have their similarities. Both of these texts do a very good job of reflecting each other and highlighting the essential main point that is, you must start somewhere. In a very out-front way, Lamott says that every good writer must write multiple drafts in order to reach the one amazing final draft and Downs says that writing will not be correct the very first time and it has to be worked on. Both of these writers have extremely similar views on what it takes to perfect your writing. Based on these two readings, I learned to go easy on myself when it comes to writing but to also take revising seriously as it can only be a tool to help me.

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