Blog Post #9

In the article “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” by Doug Downs, He talks about lots of revision ideas. One being that revision on papers creates more ideas for the writer to expand on in their paper. Another is that revision on papers helps you out as a writer. See those mistakes or think in a whole other way. Helps you write a paper with an open mind and less grammar mistakes. Having that repeated look at a paper, just increases your paper, sense we are finding mistakes or taking in idea. Lastly, people think revisions on papers are bad. If your paper needs more, it will only help you have a better paper.

When comparing “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott and Doug Downs article about revisions they are very similar. One idea that makes them similar is they are not a bad thing. We want all the information you have on a paper and correct it when need. It will broaden your ideas about your paper. Also, both take time, but are worth it in the end. Both make you a better writer. If that’s looking at other people writing or jotting down all your ideas on a paper for your first draft. It expands your mind. They are different because one is writing all your thoughts on a paper compared to nit picking details on every single sentence. One is done in the beginning, and one is done at the end of your writing paper steps.  Overall, both of these articles are very important for writing a good paper and becoming a better writer.

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