Blog Post #6

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, Duffy emphasizes that writing is not just about putting words on paper or a screen, but it also involves making many ethical decisions. When we write, we have the power to influence and shape the thoughts, emotions, and actions of others. Therefore, it is important to consider the impact our words may have on different individuals or communities. Duffy encourages writers to be mindful of the ethical implications of their writing, such as avoiding harmful stereotypes, respecting the privacy and dignity of others, and promoting inclusivity and empathy. By being aware of the ethical dimensions of writing, we can strive to create content that is responsible, respectful, and contributes positively to the world. 


Ethical responsibilities as a writer :

  • Being accurate and precise and respecting the truth
  • Avoiding plagiarism 
  • Protecting privacy of others
  • Considering the impact of your words


Ethical responsibilities as a reader :

  • Respecting the author’s intent
  • Engaging in critical thinking
  • Respecting intellectual property 
  • Respecting privacy


I personally chose these responsibilities because they are important. They promote fairness, respect and integrity in both writing and reading. Respecting the truth, avoiding plagiarism, and promoting empathy in which helps maintain trust and credibility. Respecting diversity and addressing bias contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society. Protecting privacy and engaging in responsible dialogue, ect.. These upholdings of responsibilities, we can ensure that our interactions with written content are ethical, meaningful, and contribute positively to our personal growth and the well-being of others. 

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