Blog post #6

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, he goes into detail on what it really means to sculpt writing. Writing requires authors to make the decisions that are right based on how they want to be perceived and what they think is correct in their standards as well as appropriate for their audience. Each time a writer writes something new, they get to decide who they want to be, based on the ethical decisions that they choose from.

Ethical responsibilities as a writer

  • Portraying desired effects that we wish to create and share with other people.
  • Being accurate and precise so readers can understand us and get the truth.
  • Being intriguing to keep readers interested.

Ethical responsibilities as readers

  • Remain open minded when reading.
  • Find what the text is trying to tell you.
  • Find important ideas in the reading.

I chose these responsibilities because in the text, the author lists a few questions that writers may ask themselves when trying to decide how they want to be portrayed by readers. I took these questions and thought about how they might play a role in my decision making when writing. I also used these questions to determine how a reader might be able to contribute to what a writer was thinking on their end of creating. Duffy indicates in his writing that although some writers don’t out right ask themselves how they want to be perceived or what they want to sound like, the thought is still there.

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