Blog Post #6

In the short story ¨ Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices¨ by John Duffy, Duffy explores the ethical dimensions of writing.  The story dives into the idea that writing isn´t just a mechanical act but also involves ethical considerations.  It highlights the idea that every writer, consciously or unconsciously, makes a series of ethical choices while crafting their work.  These choices go beyond grammar or style; they encompass decisions about what to write, how to frame information, and the potential consequences of their words on both individual readers and society.  Duffy emphasizes the responsibility writers have in making ethical decisions when it comes to their craft.

Ethical responsibilities as writers:

  • Choosing thoughtfully about the topic of your writing
  • Presenting diverse perspectives
  • Minimizing harm through words

Ethical responsibilities as readers:

  • Critical engagement
  • Respect for diverse perspectives
  • Responsible sharing and discussion

I chose these responsibilities as writers and readers because they help connect with each other and create a relationship.  It is important to make ethical choices when reading and writing because what we consume and produce can significantly influence our thoughts and actions, as well as others.  Ethical choices in reading and writing contribute to more understanding and informed society.



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