Blog Post #5

In this article it talks about many similar things to what we learn like focus on the audience reader your essay. It is very important to be give great detail as to what you are writing about so the readers can really understand what you are writing for. It can be very difficult for even experienced writers to be direct in what they are writing about especially if it is something new. Anson says “Writers must always to some degree, learn a new in unfamiliar settings.”

One thing that has become very enriched for me when it comes to my writing is showing great detail in what i’m writing about so it can really show the reader i am interested in what i’m writing about and also give the reader an idea about the essay, especially if it is a new topic for them. One bad habit i think about with writing is not remembering the audience they are writing too and this has definitely happened to me. Also not giving enough detail about the subject.

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