Blog Post #4

According to Andrea Lunsford, when we write, we are not just putting words on paper. Writing has the power to address, invoke, and create audiences. it means that as writers, we have the ability to shape our content in a way that engages and connects with specific groups of people. By conserving the needs, interests, and perspectives of our audience, we can effectively communicate our message and make a meaningful impact. So, when we write, we should always keep in mind who we are addressing and how we can create a connection with them through our words. It’s all about understanding our audience and crafting our writing to resonate with them. My past academic writing experiences did not always make me just assume that my audience was my professor or my teacher, I had always made sure to write for all audiences and to interest all of my readers. reading this article made me realize that writing is so much more then just writing our words and slapping them on a paper and what i’m writing needs to be able to create and connect my audience, I need to be able to engage my writing with my readers.

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