Blog post #3

I found the article Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader by Charles Bazerman very interesting and insightful. The article is about how writing helps us communicate who we are or how we feel, to ourselves or others. The ability to use our words while writing to express ourselves starts at a young age. The meaning behind a writer’s words can be found in relation to the writer and reader as well as the text itself.  As we get older we are better able to express ourselves with writing because we have more life experience to support our writing. Not knowing how the reader will respond to our writing can be stressful and cause anxiety because sometimes our words can be misconstrued.

I myself can relate to my writing being taken wrong. I once posted a status on Facebook pertaining to my view on something but tried to remain somewhat neutral on the topic and it was taken the wrong way by a few close friends and family members. I had to quickly explain my point of view and explain that I wasn’t trying to cause trouble or start a debate, before any more trouble was caused. So even an innocent post on Facebook can be misinterpreted and taken differently than intended by the writer.

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