blog post 11

In “Writing is informed by prior experience,” Lunsford discusses how the writing you did as an individual in inherited in the way you write now; she explains writing like an activity,  because its the basic process of doing what you know. When doing what you know in writing, your using a lot of your own identity and perspective in your writing; this is the basis of what Yancey addresses in “Writers’ Histories, Processes, and Identities Vary” as writers tend to incorporate for own individual beliefs into their writing. Writing is always somewhat subjective because of this.

I haven’t been told to follow exactly one writing process. in pass classes, we’d always Start writing a certain way and end differently to grow our skills as writers. Schools can support writers better by encouraging writers to freely write and not enforce too many guidelines. I’m not really sure how digital writing changes writing because digital writings been a thing almost my whole life.

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