Blog post #11

“Writers’ Histories, Processes, and Identities Vary” by Kathleen Yancey, explains how writing can only become better through living and experiencing new adversities. Everyone portrays a different identity that shines through in their personal style of writing. This identity is created based on the time period and the background that you come from. Leading off of this, “Writing is Informed by Prior Experience” by Andrea Lunsford, similarly agrees that writing comes from all different experiences and occurrences in life, and it is somehow included in everything that everyone does and chooses to be a part of. Writing has always been around and is predicted to continue to be around because no matter what the time period is, writing will habitually adapt.

These two readings give off the notion that writers can always grow and there is no limit for how good a writer can become. I gather this because of the way the authors describe the complexities of writing and just how much it is a part of daily life. In primary education, I was mainly taught how to write just like everyone else and how to use the exact same format every single time because it was the “correct way”. Over times I realized this was not true and there really is no correct way to write, writing is formed through experiences.

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