Blog post #11

Author Kathleen Blake Yancey explains in “Writers’ Histories, Processes, and Identities Vary” that every writer is diverse and has their own originality. Our environment influences our growth as writers. Because our environment is always changing, so should our behavior. Our writing is shaped by the experiences we have. Andrea A. Lunsford’s “Writing is Informed by Prior Experience” links into this. She claims that our past influences how we express ourselves and mentions Writers use events from their lives to generate fresh ideas.

In the past, and even now in this class, I had to stick to a specific writing method. Most of the writing process has been simple for me, assuming you understand the phases and methods you must employ. I believe that K-12 can develop writing skills that are more relevant to how we will write in college, and colleges can provide access to resources, adopt dedicated writing time, or provide feedback. Technology has changed the way people express themselves in the real world and writing, new annotations and note taking tools like pitura and digital note taking for writing allows for easier capture of new ideas and more experimental approaches to organizing those ideas.

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