Blog Post #11

In “Writers’ Histories, Processes, and Identities Vary,’ author Kathleen Blake Yancey explains that every writer is different and unique. The development of writers is affected by their surroundings. Because our surroundings are ever-changing the way we right should change too. It is the experiences we have as humans that shape our writing. This ties into “Writing is Informed by Prior Experience” by Andrea A. Lunsford.  She tells us that our past has a lot to do with how writers express themselves. Writers look back at their life experiences to create new ideas. Writers use their prior knowledge to analyze their writing situations.

As writers, we grow every time we write. What we learn in elementary school is built upon for the rest of our lives. Every writer has to start from somewhere which is why making mistakes is a part of growing. Technology is always changing which means writers have to reflect on how their writing fits a specific situation. The growing media does allow writers to gain perspective on their writing.

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