Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time, and Effort by Kathleen Yancey and All Writers Have More to Learn by Shirley Rose

In all writers have more to learn by Shirley Rose, the author explains how not all writers learn the same way and they are never truly done learning. The main point is that writers never do know everything about writing they can always learn more, such as a new genera, a new style of writing, improve their writing in general, learn more from lessons about writing and much more. The author also relates to the writing that is learned in schools and how it may be different for everyone but also how it is applicable to every day writing and you can build off of the basic topics that you may have learned in school. Just like in the Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time, and Effort by Kathleen Yancey the author explains how practice in terms of your writing can also help your writing abilities improve. Like the saying Practice makes perfect which is mostly related to sports by the analogy can also be used in this situation both authors explain ways to keep learning and to keep practicing the writing so that you can get better at it.


In reference to the two articles I think that teachers should create a good common ground or building point which student can refer back to for practice, like a plot triangle it’s always a great reference if I am trying to figure out how to lay out a story line, or even a 5 paragraph essay template I often use that to create an easy way for me to put all of my essays together. But teachers should always reiterate that writing always needs more practice and learning to build on it it’s not something that Is learned all in high school that was just the beginning of all of it.



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