Blog Post #10

In both “All Writers Have More to Learn” and “Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time and Effort”, they talk about how a skill to write does not come naturally and will take practice to get to the final end goal. They also both talk about how there are different ways to write, one talks about the genres and one talks about the different technologies and formats. In “All Writers Have More to Learn”, the author talks about how no one can perfect something like writing, and how sometimes writing one way for a certain idea/genre will not get you anywhere near perfection for another type. In “Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time and Effort”, the author talks about how you have to practice writing and find ways that work specifically for you. A writer could write however they would like, and use whatever resources they need, to meet their end goal. The author brings in the ideas that technologies will change your writer but will help you write better based on personal needs. They also liked to talk about how revising your writing will always help to improve writing. Writers can’t always see the wrongs the first time, so going back through to see the problems again or think again about what we were trying to say, will always be helpful to conduct a good piece. 

As teachers, to help students write it would be helpful to give feedback and allow for mistakes. No writer is ever going to be perfect, and practicing the rights and wrongs to find the end piece will always make them a better writer. As students, they need to be willing to practice writing, and give time for mistakes. If you don’t, your writing will continue to fail. Also students need to be open to change, especially when writing. Not everything will work out the first time, and change might need to be made to fit certain criteria. For colleges, there needs to continue to be different levels of writing classes, and specific genre classes. Learning to write is great, but learning to write from the beginning will always be something students need. The genres, some are more fluent in one than another. Allowing students to pick between could help them grow their talent in one area, or gain new knowledge in another. In K-12, there should be more opportunities to write about what excites someone, and more opportunities to peer edit with someone who is better. Going through highschool, I always peer edited with my friends, but they are at the same level as me and know just as much as I do to make writing good. It was never helpful, because I would get bad grades but after I had someone peer edit in class. In this semester, I have learned lots of new ways to write and think about my writing as well. I have learned the technique of basically dumping everything onto a page and then condensing it once all of my ideas are written. I have also learned new ways to think about my writings and how to make them better. This is different from other experiences, because all of the other classes I have had to write in aren’t focused on writing one essay after another, it’s always one essay then moving onto another topic that doesn’t involve one so I’m not learning the best techniques to perfecting an essay.

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