Blog Post #10

The article, “All writers have more to learn”, by Shirley Rose is about how every writer is not perfect.  This article gives the idea that no one can ever perfect writing.  This explains how writing is not just a simple thing and instead being a non-natural process.  Shirley Rose explains that this makes writing an unstopping process and the idea of writing is never perfectible not being perfect itself.  The article, “Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time, and Effort” by Kathleen Nancy, talks about the ideas of refining your techniques at writing.  Nancy continues to explain that some other acts you use to refine your abilities at activities such as swimming.  This continues to explain that writing isn’t just doing one thing but instead having many things to do.

The ideas of these articles are similar being that you need to learn stuff constantly and that writing has many ways of trying to learn it more.  They both hold hands that writing is never fully learned as it is never fully finished.  I believe the writing teachers need to have a more widespread amount of writing allowing the students to learn more about different types.  Writing students need to focus even more on the different types of writing allowing faster better improvements.  Colleges I feel need to give students better information and more types of writing such as making stuff need to be turned in in writing.  K-12 is a rigged focus on one thing at a time when the widespread idea is much better for the situation. I feel that the information from the different ideas and allowing the writer to improve with multiple of a similar writing.

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