Blog Post #10

The article “All Writers Have More to Learn” by Shirley Rose discusses the notion that writing is an ongoing learning process, emphasizing that no writer ever reaches a point where they’ve learned everything there is to know about writing. It highlights that effective writing is context-specific and that writing abilities must continuously adapt to different situations and audiences. Similarly Kathleen Blake Yancey’s article “Learning to Write Effectively” complements this idea by underscoring the significance of practice in developing writing skills. It stresses that practice is crucial for achieving fluency and mastering the techniques and strategies necessary for various types of writing. Both articles emphasize that writing is not an inherent talent but a skill that evolves with experience and practice, echoing the need for ongoing learning and adaptation.

I think during my grade school years we were taught something different in writing every year so nothing ever stuck because it was not practiced enough. I think writing teachers need to be more in depth with what they want included in the essay. Again during my years in grade school one teacher would want the least amount of things included, but the next year when I would do exactly what I did the past year the teacher would give it a bad grade and say I did not include enough but there was nothing stating what they actually wanted. It felt like they always wanted us to read their minds.

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