Blog post #10

In her article “Learning to Write Effectively,” Kathleen Blake Yancey discusses the value of writing practice. More people need to work on certain aspects of writing, such as flow and honing skills. she also mentions that practicing with other people might help us communicate more effectively through our writing. We must practice in order to write successfully in different situations. Similarly, Shirly Rose highlights the continuous learning cycle of writing. She says that if someone masters how to write in one context, they must learn to write successfully in another. She also mentions that writers can use different tactics that work for them in the writing process.

I feel like teachers should be a little more lenient and try to recognize growth in a students writing instead of expecting things to be so perfect. I also feel like as a student, students need to make sure they do the work to effectively grow as a writer. K-12 could help students better prepare for writing college level essays, I feel like most things we learn in those grades are somewhat helpful but most things go out the window. This semester i learned it’s okay to make mistakes and that the writing process gets easier and easier with practice.

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