Discussion Post #10

In the article “All Writers Have More to Learn” by Shirley Rose, she explains that writing is such a tuff topic and can learn so many different things. She tells us that is takes time and effort even if it’s not good. It’s better to make mistakes and learn from them, then not try at all. Strategies are also important. There are tons of them and all of them help. Aswell as, have prior experience will help with habits, to become a better writer. In Kathleen Blake Yancey’s article, “Learning to Write Effectively,” she explains that we need to practice like crazy to become a good writer. If you want to get good at something, you need to practice. Make sure you practice in the write spots or types of things you do to write a paper. Stuff that gets you in the zone to write something amazing. Learning to write effectively also takes other people to help you.

I believe teachers should teach a little more in depth with writing, sense it’s a hard topic to handle. They also need to be more kind about bad papers, so they can just help the student. The writing students need to be engaged in the class, sense its English. It’s not an easy subject and it take time to learn. Colleges need to have better directions for the paper. I do light how this class is set up. There are tons of steps that help you along the way to create a good paper, that are more Indepth. K-12 should have more classes about English. I have learned way more than I have in the past 4 years of my high school English classes. These are more Indepth and easier to do. They don’t really help us that much on papers for college.


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