Blog Post 9

In “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” Doug Downs talks about how writers repeatedly edit their work. He talks about how writing is something that takes revision to be right because the first draft is not perfect. He also talks about how writing can open up a writers initial thoughts on a topic and compares this to headlights. After the first draft, you can see further because your headlights have luminated further. Also, having peers review your first draft may even give you a different perspective on your topic and see something you may not have seen before.

The essays “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” by Doug Downs and “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott are similar in the fact that they both talk about first drafts not being good. They both also talk about how revision is a key part of writing and writing well. After reading both essays I have come to realize that I should not put so much pressure on my 1st draft and I should make more time for revisions and not take it so harshly when given feedback.

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