“Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” – Doug Downs

In “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing”, Doug Downs talks about the importance of peer reviewing and revising your paper after a first draft. A first draft is made to find where problem areas are, and fix them. Having someone edit the draft, is better than not, writers can have another perspective and help to make the writing better. Not getting corrections is going to result in negative responses from others when they read it. Revising allows for trying again, and seeing what you may not see. It is a good thing to get edits, not because the writer failed but it shows there is room for improvement and that there is professionalism in the piece.

In both “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” and “Shitty First Drafts”, the authors talk about how the first draft will not be the best one. They both talk about how writing is not going to be perfect, and will take a lot of revising to even come close. In “Shitty First Drafts”, it talks more about how writing multiple drafts of your writing will lead you to a positive outcome is the best approach to take. In “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing”, the writer talks about the importance of needing to revise work, especially with others, before it is perfect to turn in. The approaches are different. One saying you need to just write everything down, then revise it to condense it and find the words right. The other talks about how after writing a first draft, or multiple drafts, it will benefit more to have others read it and find the negatives so you can fix it and take a different approach to something you already have written. Both approaches would help a writer succeed, but they take different approaches when starting out to find your perfect polished essay.

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