Revision is Central to Developing Writing- By Doug Downs

In the article Revision is Central to Developing Writing- By Doug Downs explains just how important the revision process is to a writer writing. Revision is not a requirement, but it is used a lot as an optional way to make a writer’s final draft better than their first draft. Its purpose is to revise one draft to make the next better, it helps the writer think about what they wrote and what they need to fix. Once the writer fixes it, they have revised there writing, it’s a very good way for students to be more comfortable writing.


In the article shitty first drafts by Anne Lamott is explaining the same process that is needed for revision, but it leans more towards how the first draft is never going to be perfect and you have time to revise, whereas in the article Revision is Central to Developing Writing by Doug Downs explains the actual revision process and its importance. Anne Lamott is explaining the first draft and what all goes into creating your first draft, which is not going to be perfect because it’s not supposed to be, but she reminds her readers that she is implying the revision process, and she even leads into that in her article. Doug Downs explains what Anne Lamott was leading into by explaining the process that happens after the first draft is initially completed in more detail.

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