Blog Post #9

The article “Revision Is Central Developing Writing” written by Doug Downs. Down explains the importance of revision. He gives an unusual explanation of how the difference between editing and revising but then goes even further period he acknowledges that writers can come across negative repercussions if they fail to prepare for revision in the writing process. He explains that while writing writers usually find something to say that they didn’t have to say before writing. He provides that analogy that writing is like driving with headlights at night. The writer like the driver can only see what is lit up in front of them at any given time. But as the writer continues like the driver, additional thoughts become visible. He notes that the practice of revision is what sets the writer up to find their path.

Between the two articles “Shitty First Drafts” and “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” there is a common theme between them that is highlighting improvement of writing. Both articles are focused on improving writing making that the main topic of them. They both just take different approaches to get the message across. The article “Shitty First Drafts” is focused on more of an emotional forgiveness in the revision process to feel confident. Whereas the article “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” is more focused on the ideas that go into the writing process. One thing that I learned from both readings is that failure and setbacks are important in the writing process because they help you improve and become a better writer

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