Blog Post #9

The article “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” by Doug Downs goes into more of the art of writing.  Downs goes into how you can’t see new things from completing the first draft.  This goes into the ideas that the writing process is built on the idea of being focused on the future drafts.  One connection they compared this to is the idea of a car’s lights and you driving to whatever you see in the car’s light.  The idea given is that the idea of failure is bad but instead just an idea that there is room for improvement and to look at it to help.

The ideas that “Shitty First Drafts” and “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” are both very focused on the idea of improving your writing.  The improved writing is the main part of each writing and with “Shitty First Drafts” and “Revision is Central to Developing Writing”.  These also have direct connection between the two articles.  The contrasting idea is that Shitty First Drafts is focused on the self forgiving and a revision makes it easier to be more sure of your writing and feel confidence about what you are writing in the end.  What I learned from the readings and comparing them is that failure is important and helps the writer know what to modify to improve all their works and future drafts for the better.

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