“Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development.”

In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development”, Collin Brooke and Allison Carr focus on the idea that the only way to become a perfect writer is by failing a few times. No one can get a perfect piece the first time they try to write it, even the best authors out there. There are some teachers who allow for failure, as long as there is a visible attempt at trying. They see that their students become too cautious when writing, and fail anyway because they didn’t meet the standard. Teachers want to see their students try, and improve as they go. It is not something that happens automatically. Students need to realize it is better to try hard, and see where they can improve, than attempt too little and fail anyway. It can be hard to find a happy medium, but for beginners it is important for them to see that failing isn’t the end of the world. Everybody will have a hard time writing, and it takes time, and countless efforts, to make a good piece of writing.

Mahershala Ali Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards

This GIF relates to the article because it talks about trying again if you don’t succeed the first time. Yes, it is hard to accept failure, but if you try again it will become better the second time and make for another attempt at perfection. This GIF is telling people to keep going, and try again after failure to succeed in the future. It shows that putting in effort will help you gain more than allowing your first attempt to be your only one, even if it was a bad first attempt.

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