Blog Post #8

This in-depth analysis of the writing process explaining about the mistakes being a large improver of getting able to get a more advanced developed writing.  The article gives details on how to advance the future of the writing process to improve each issue.  It talks about how the ability to have the capacity of failure can improve the writer’s abilities to improve everything. The article goes into many instances of learning that failure is just a point to have growth.  The growth is what makes the writer able to develop in any sort of writing they participate in.  The essay ends with giving reasoning of all of the abilities to improve the ability to advance the writing of those who use their failure to their advantage.

I chose this due to the in-depth thought to focus on trying to see what this will do to fix the advances of the works.  I also chose this due to having the ability to think about the needs in the failures I had to continue advancing this part of my work showing if I look deeper into the ideas of what is needed to fix my mistakes.

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